Kennedy, James Branch, Master Mariner, 1816-1890.

The papers relating to James Branch Kennedy consist of logs, 1845 to 1854, 1862 to 1870, letterbooks, 1853 to 1870, and account books, 1848, 1857 to 1873. There is also a notebook with newspaper cuttings and official forms which relate to the HORNET, when burned in 1868. In addition there is a midshipman's journal kept by James Robert Branch Kennedy on HMS COMMONWEALTH, HMS ADVENTURE and HMS COLLINGWOOD, all in home waters, 1908-1910. Lieutenant James Robert Branch Kennedy (1891-1913) died in a flying accident at Brooklands in 1913.

Administrative / biographical background
Kennedy was first mate of the TIGRIS from 1845 to 1849 on three voyages from England to India and was also first mate of the MEDWAY from 1849 to 1852 during three voyages to Australia, taking emigrants to Port Phillip. He commanded the ARIES, going again to Australia, 1853 to 1854, the RACER, 1862 to 1863, London to Melbourne, to Calcutta and back and then home, the CANOPUS from England to India, 1864 to 4866 and the HORNET, 1866 to 1867 to India, Trinidad, home and back to India. The HORNET was burnt in 1868. Between 1868 and 1870 Kennedy carried mules and horses for the Abyssinian campaign in the TYNEMOUTH and from 1871 to 1873 made five voyages to India in the YORKSHIRE. He gained his master's certificate in 1849 and an endorsement in steam in 1870.

Record Details

Item reference: KEN; GB 0064
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Measurements: Overall: 38 cm
Date made: 1845-1910
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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