Saxton, Sir Charles, 1st Baronet, Captain, 1732-1808.

The papers, part of the Grey collection, were presented in 1945 by Captain Sir Cecil Craves. They consist of a report and notes on settlements in Nova Scotia, 1762, an order book, 1780 to 1783, a book of 'remarks made in the presence of the French' in the Invincible, 1781 to 1782, accounts of Portsmouth Dockyard produced for the 1792 . Visitation and general rules for courts martial using the precedents of 1746, 1763 and 1773.

Administrative / biographical background
Saxton entered the Navy in 1745 and was made a lieutenant in 1753. After service off Africa and in the East Indies, he became a captain in 1762. He was then on the Newfoundland Station in the Pearl until 1766. In 1779 he commissioned the Invincible in the Channel and in her, in 1780, went out to the West Indies under Sir Samuel (later Viscount) Hood (q.v.). After a period of ill-health, during which time Sir Richard Bickerton (1727-1792) commanded the Invincible, he served at the Chesapeake and at St. Kitts. He returned to England in 1783. In 1790 he was appointed Resident Commissioner at Portsmouth Dockyard. He was created a baronet in 1794 and retired in 1806

Record Details

Item reference: GRE/3-8; GRE GRE/B
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1762-1792
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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