Tait, Sir William Eric Campbell, Admiral, 1886-1946.

The papers consist of two midshipman's journals, 1903 to 1905; a photograph album, 1908 to 1914; and loose papers including letters of proceedings for warships under Tait's command, 1929 to 1930; remarks on Argentine, Brazilian and American naval personnel; and intelligence reports, 1932 to 1933.

Administrative / biographical background
Tait entered the Navy in 1902 and served in the Pacific from 1903 to February, 1905, in HMS GRAFTON, and then in the Mediterranean, in HMS DRAKE. He went to HMS FLORA on the China station in 1908 and became a lieutenant in 1909. In 1910 he joined the Home Fleet, serving in a number of ships, including HMS HINDUSTAN and HMS COLLINGWOOD until 1912. He was promoted to lieutenant-commander in 1917, commander in 1921 and captain in 1926. After a course at Greenwich, Tait returned to sea in 1928 and took command of four cruisers; these included HMS CAPETOWN in 1929 and HMS DELHI in 1930, on the America and West Indies Station. He was appointed Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence in 1932 and in 1933 went out to the Far East to report on the possibility of an outbreak of hostilities with Japan. In 1938 he became a rear-admiral and in 1941 was appointed vice-admiral and Commander-in-Chief, African Station. On his appointment as Governor of Southern Rhodesia in 1944, he retired and was promoted to admiral in 1945.

Record Details

Item reference: TAI; GB 0064
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1903-1934
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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