Maundrell, Arthur Goodall, Captain, Royal Indian Navy, 1884-1972.

Collection contains seven diaries kept by Arthur Goodall Maundrell during his time as an apprentice, able seaman and second mate. They cover his time on the BLACKBRAES (a 3 mast sailing vessel) and ELWY (a Barque). Also included are sheets showing areas of the Atlantic and Pacific, with track charts for voyages made the sailing vessels BLACKBRAES (101922) and ELWY (76390), between 1900 and 1900.

Administrative / biographical background
Maundrell was born at Tollerton in Nottinghamshire in 1884. He started his seagoing career in 1899 as a cadet on the training ship HMS CONWAY at Liverpool. Between January 1901 and March 1904 he was an apprentice and then able seaman on the three masted ship BLACKBRAES (1892) of London. Between August 1904 and December 1905 he was second mate on the barque ELWY (1876) of Liverpool. He qualifed as master in 1915 on attaining the rank of lieutenant in the Royal Indian Marine (certificate numbers 038231 and 76915). Maundrell was seconded to the Marine Survey of India and was later the Chief of Staff and Captain Superintendent at Bombay Dockyard. During the Second World War he represented the Royal Indian Marine in the India Office and was appointed Commodore of Convoys. He was made a Companion of the Order of Bath and the Order of the Indian Empire.

Record Details

Item reference: MAU; GB 0064 MSS/73/018
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1901-1905
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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