Second World War (WWll) North Atlantic Convoy Records.

Four notebooks relating to the Second World War (WWII) Atlantic convoy section.

Administrative / biographical background
More than 200 convoy-routes existed in Second World War. Each convoy was known by two or more codes. These WWII convoys received a number when they left the harbour, eg. BA-2 or HX-348, some convoys ended up with a number over 100 for example; the HX, SC, ON and OB convoys. These notebooks were acquired by Harry Collis, a member of the Baltic Exchange, who was seconded into the Convoy Section of the Ministry of War's Transport division. The convoy routes in this collection include: ON - outward northbound (North Atlantic and UK coastal waters) ONS - Outward, Northbound, Slow (North Atlantic) HX- Homeward from Halifax (North Atlantic) SC - Sydney CB to UK (North Atlantic)

Record Details

Item reference: GBK/11; REG09/000216
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: FILE
Date made: 1939-1945
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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