Navigitional notes, calculations and letters kept while aboard HMS TOPAZE (1867-1868) and GERMANIE (1878).

Folder containing: a three page letter on the equation of time (letter about GMT images); a letter regarding sextant readings by J. Bolam; a paper on calculating the distance of the horizon and to land at sea; a paper on solving astronomical problems, namely the difference between watch and dial and how to find latitude and longitude, undated; a paper on the true bearings of the sun at Ochtertyre, Stirling, undated [there was a private observatory at Ochtertyre built by Sir William Keith Murray in 1852]; sheets of papers with calculations relating to ϴ Capricori, Oct 1878; papers with prediction for the reappearance of Venus on the GERMANIE between New York and Liverpool in August 1878 (2 sheets); two loose sheets of calculations; a sheet of notes and calculations on headed notepaper from Ochtertyre, Stirling.

Administrative / biographical background
Colin Dundas (1842-1911) joined the navy as a cadet in 1855. He served on the TOPAZE as Lieutenant between January 1866 and September 1869. He was promoted to Commander in 1877 and retired in 1882.

Record Details

Item reference: NVT/46/1; REG13/000540.3
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1852-1878
Creator: Dundas, Henry; Dundas, Colin Mackenzie
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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