Navigational papers belonging to Commander Colin Mackenzie Dundas, RN (1842-1911).

The material comprises a sight book while Dundas served on HMS TOPAZE between 1867 and 1868. There are also navigational notes, calculations and letters.

Most of the papers of Commander Dundas, including logs kept on HMS TOPAZE, are held by the National Library of Scotland.

Administrative / biographical background
Colin Mackenzie Dundas (1842-1911) joined the navy as a cadet in 1855. He served on HMS TOPAZE as lieutenant between January 1866 and September 1869. He was promoted to commander in 1877 and retired in 1882.

Record Details

Item reference: NVT/46; REG13/000540 REG13/000540.1
Level: FILE
Date made: 1852-1878
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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