Papers of Admiral Sir Charles Farrell Hillyar, 1817-1888.

Charles Farrell Hillyar- Single sheet of Arabic writing [purpose unknown, but has Charles' name written on the back] and an envelope containing mid-nineteenth century coins from Hong Kong and a Chinese token.

Administrative / biographical background
Sir Charles Farrell Hillyar (1817-1888) was one of two sons of James Hillyar. Charles joined the Navy in 1831, became a captain in 1852 and commanded HMS GLADIATOR in the Black Sea during the Crimean war. In 1865 he become Commander in Chief, East Indies station, before the Pacific Station in 1872 and finally the China Station in 1877.

Record Details

Item reference: HYL/100
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1817-1888
Creator: Hillyar, Charles Farrell
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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