Fowke family papers

A collection of letters to George Fowke (1767-1832) from the time he was a Lieutenant to a Captain. Letters from Midshipman Richard Bickerton Fowke. Letters to and from Lieutenant Moultrie Bickerton Fowke and letters to William Fowke 1754-1839 ref Teignmouth Light. The last will and testaments of Henry Fowke, c.1779, Rear Admiral Edmund Thorpe Fowke (Known in the Royal Navy as Thorpe Fowke), 1784 and Major Thomas Thorpe Fowke R.M., 7 May 1803. Bound copy dated 1827 of A Journal and Devotional Reflections of Margaret, wife of Admiral Thomas Thorpe Fowke from 1747 to 1788.

Administrative / biographical background
The Fowke family were by no means a famous naval family, but saw service over a century in all parts of the world. These letters, wills and the journal give a real insight into a family for whom the navy was the dominant factor for over a century. Almost as important are the papers relating to those figures who are not normally represented – the wives and parents of sailors who are often the silent recipients of correspondence. Edmund Thorpe Fowke was appointed lieutenant on 20 September 1730. He was then promoted to captain on 24 May 1742, serving in the GIBRALTAR (1742-1743); SEAHORSE (1742-1745); TORRINGTON (1744-1745); DREADNOUGHT (1745); SUPERB (1746-1747) and the BEDFORD (1757-1759). He retired superannuated Rear-Admiral in 1759. George Fowke was appointed lieutenant on 14 November 1790 serving in the SPITFIRE (1791), PRINCE (1793), BURFLEUR (1794) and GLORY (1795) when he was promoted commander serving in the SANTA MARGARITTA and SWALLOW. He was commissioned captain of the REGULUS in 1798, being appointed on 9 July 1798. His ship the PROSELYTE, a frigate of 32 guns, struck a sunken rock off the island of St. Martin, West Indies and was wrecked, with no loss of life. He then went on to serve in the prison ships ROCHESTER and IRRESISTABLE between 1806 and 1807. His last two commissions were in the ROYAL WILLIAM and the PRINCE (1812-1813). He was placed on the retired list in 1825 and made Vice-Admiral (retired) on 12 November 1843. He died in 1843. Moultrie Bickerton Fowke entered the Navy in 1867 and became acting sub-lieutenant on 5 August 1874; was promoted to lieutenant on 14 August 1878 and was placed on the retired list on 25 February 1899, as commander. For his full service records see the National Archives' Documents Online website, reference: ADM 196/19 and ADM 196/38.

Record Details

Item reference: FOW
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1700-1974
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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