X of Hearts. The Spanish Armada consisting of 130 Shipps where of 72 were Galleasses and Galeens in wch were 19290 Souldiers, 8359 Marriners, 2080 Gally slaves & 2630 great Ordinance. ye Navy was 3 whole yeares pparing

Playing card. X of Hearts. The Spanish Armada consisting of 130 Shipps where of 72 were Galleasses and Galeens in wch were 19290 Souldiers, 8359 Marriners, 2080 Gally slaves & 2630 great Ordinance. ye Navy was 3 whole yeares pparing

Object Details

ID: PAD0216
Type: Print
Display location: Not on display
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Frame: 88 mm x 54 mm