The wreck of the Royal Navy protected cruiser Gladiator (1896) off Sconce Point, Norton, Isle of Wight.

A general view of the scene of the wreck of the Royal Navy protected cruiser Gladiator (1896) off Sconce Point, Norton, Isle of Wight. The photographer is looking east-north-east showing Fort Victoria Pier in the foreground with two steamers and the War Department spritsail barge John Adye (1888) alongside. The Gladiator (1896), lying on her starboard side, has the salvage steamer Ranger (1880) and a mooring lighter alongside. Two Royal Navy flat-iron gunboats and a cruiser are anchored in the background. On shore in the right background is the concrete base and machinery set up to assist in the righting of the wreck. A copy negative of a photographic print.

Object Details

ID: P75123
Type: Negative
Display location: Not on display
Date made: July1908
Measurements: Overall: 115 mm x 160 mm

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