The Midshipmens' Gig Crew

A formal group photograph of the Midshipmens' Gig Crew. This photograph was taken sometime over the course of the 11-15 May 1916 Regatta in Scapa Flow. Seated in the foreground is Midshipman W St J Cobley. From left to right behind him are Midshipman H G Norman, Sub Lieutenant T F Turner and Midshipman P M G Batley. From left to right behind them are Midshipman J L F Hunt, Midshipman C E C Robinson and Midshipman P M Kitwood. The coal shovel mounted on the wall to the left with 'Lest We Forget' carved into the handle celebrates the fact that, as an oil-fuelled ship, HMS Queen Elizabeth's crew were spared the rigours of coaling ship while in harbour. The photograph was taken on the starboard side of the upper deck just forward of 'X' turret barbette.

For another view of this group from a different angle see photograph 91 in ALB0018.