Career of Admiral G. H. Bedford, June 1894 to May 1895

Inside front cover of album: presentation book plate of the album to the Royal Naval College, Greenwich by the Bedford family.

Page 1: card on which are written the dates the album covers –June 6th 1894 To May 15th 1895.

Page 2
Photograph 1: ‘Table Mountain and Devil’s Peak’[four children in the foreground].

Page 3: Title: 1894
Photograph 2: ‘Simon’s Bay from Red Hill’ [panoramic view showing ships in the bay]. Text: June 6th Embarked at 4pm. Sailed. Fine.

Page 4: Title: Port Elizabeth
Photograph 3: The Jetty. View looking landwards with the lighthouse and pyramid visibly on the hillside behind. Bottom corner of print obscured by another print pasted over.
Photograph 4: The lighthouse and signal station. The stone pyramid in the foreground is the 1820 Settler’s memorial. Right hand corner of print trimmed.
Photograph 5: View in public park. Sky area of print partially obscured by another print pasted over.

Text: June 7th.Wind off the land, sail set; made 169’. June 8th. Strong westerly wind. Anchored off Port Elizabeth about 10am. Landed and went to stay with Dunell’s. Wind went down in the evening and we went off to a dance onboard the Tantallon Castle [Union Castle Line]. June 9th. Calm,warm day. Drove out to a farm (Kragga Kama) belonging to Mr Christian about 14 miles out. Very pretty.

Page 5
Watercolour 6: ‘Port Elizabeth from Humewood’.
Photograph 7: View looking along Main Street.
Photograph 8: General view looking south over Port Elizabeth from the hillside behind the town.

Text: Port Elizabeth. Went out to lunch at a new hotel on the shore of the bay towards Cape Recife called Humewood. Dance onboard Raleigh in evening; weather very favourable. June 13th Strong westerly wind. Club ball. June 14th Sailed 7am. Passed East London 6pm.

Page 6: Title: Natal.
Photograph 9: General view of the Bluff and Durban harbour.
Text: June 15th Ship rolling about a good deal but going well. Anchored off Durban 9 45pm. June 16th Started for Maritzburg 11 45am (special) arrived 3pm.

Page 7: Title: Natal Pietermaritzburg.
Photograph 10: General view of Government House.
Photograph 11: Church Street looking towards the church and the Zulu War Memorial.. Top left of print partially obscured by another print pasted over.

Page 8: Title: Pietermaritzburg.
Watercolour 12: View of West Street and the country beyond. Text describing the town and the costume of the inhabitants which are illustrated with drawings on the page of album.

Page 9: Title: Natal Pietermaritzburg.
Photograph 13: The House of Assembly, a classical building with hexastyle Corinthian portico. Statue of Queen Victoria erected in 1887 in front of entrance.
Photograph 14: The Town Hall. Part of sky area obscured by another print pasted over it. Text: June 19th Visited Town Hall and House of Assembly. Fine view from tower of former, good organ in hall. First session of Responsible Government, Reception at Government House.

Page 10: Title: Zululand.
Photograph 15: ‘Native Kraals’.
Photograph 16: Two Zulu women standing outside kraals. Watercolour of Zulu shield and weapons painted on page of album.

Page 11: Title: Natal and Zululand.
Photograph 17: Zulu woman.
Photograph 18: Zulu women singing and dancing.
Photograph 19: Zulu chief and his Indunas [warrior commanders].

Page 12: Title: Natal
Watercolour 20: ‘Tuguela River’.(Tugela River) Text recording Bedford’s movements [HMS Raleigh] between June 20th and June 27th when he arrived at Mozambique.

Page 13: Title: Mozambique.
Watercolour 21:’Native village in Old Square’. Text: June 27th we walked about the town with the consul.

Page 14: Title: Mozambique. Repro ID L8232-001
Watercolour 22: ‘View from Mr Churchill’s country house –Ampoenese.’
Watercolour 23: ‘San Jaoa. A country house –formerly the Consuls’. Text: June 28th Acting Governor came aboard at 8 30am. At 9 we started with Consul Churchill to visit his house on the mainland. Party consisted of Flag Lt., Secretary, Commander Festing, Messrs. Ross & Evans, midshipmen and Mr Ryan of the Telegraph. Steamed about 5 miles in a barge and [HMS]Blonde’s steamboat. Many boats under sail going to market. House about ½ mile from beach. Lunched on board at 4pm. Weighed. [HMS] Blonde, Racoon and Sparrow in company.

Page 15: Title: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-002
Photograph 24: General view of the British consulate from the sea. Text: June 29th Fine – Sail set made 119’. June 30th Fine: sails furled: steam tactics: made 191’. July 1st Anchored off Zanzibar at 4 15 pm. [HMS] Philomel (1890) Swallow (1885) and Thrush (1889) here.
Photograph 25: Group photograph of Sultan of Zanzibar (1857-1896) with Sir Lloyd Matthews (1850-1901) Seconded from RN to Sultan in 1877 to form army and Sir Arthur Hardinge (1859-1933) Agent and Consul General.

Page 16: Title: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-003
Watercolour 26: ‘A Gateway in the Town’.
Watercolour 27: ‘View from gate of British Consulate’. Text: July 2nd Paid official visit to Sultan. July 3rd Attended requiem mass for President French Republic (M.Carnot). Landed to stay at Consulate. July 4th E.[ Lady Ethel Bedford] went to Palace to visit Sultana at 4pm. July 5th Drove out to M’bueni Mission in afternoon, then onto Chuquani Palace –continued page 17 –and French hospital in forenoon. Cricket match in afternoon. Reception by Indian Community. Dinner to Consul General and others onboard. Sing song afterwards. Very good.

Page 17: Title: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-004
Photograph 28: Street with thatched houses on the outskirts of town.
Photograph 29: close up of thatched houses. Text: July 5th Race for Admirals cup. Not much wind. Captain Gamble won is 1st gig. Galley 2nd very close finish. July 7th E [Lady Ethel Bedford] visited clove plantation.

Page 18: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-005
Watercolour 30: View looking towards town from entrance to Cooper’s Institution. Cathedral spire in distance.
Watercolour 31: Scene in the market place. Text: July 6th Landed small arms companies and field guns (730 blue jackets and marines with 2-9prs, 2 -7prs & 2 Maxims). Surgeon Bowden presented with DSO. July 8th E.(Lady Ethel Bedford) left in the Spartan (1891) soon after 9am. Large gathering to see her off. July 9th Cricket Navy & Zanzibar commenced. Offical dinner at Consulate. July 10th Cricket match ended Navy 102 and 65. Zanzibar 161 and one wicket down for the runs. July 11th Sailed with Squadron.

Page 19: Title: Mombasa. Repro ID L8232-006
Photograph 32: View looking across the harbour towards the town in the distance.
Photograph 33: Group of Masai warriors.
Photograph 34: ‘Huts of the Waniki-Habi’.
Photograph 35: ‘In the native quarter, Mombasa’. Text: July 12th Steam tactics. July 13th Fired at target. Anchored in Kilindini harbour at 1pm. Dinner at Administrators. July 16th 1st day pulling regatta.

Page 20: Title: Mombasa. Repro ID L8232-007
Watercolour 36: The Bohra Mosque from Custom House.

Page 21: Title: Mombasa. Repro ID L8232-008
Watercolour 37: ‘Old Battery and Ruin called Vasco de Gama’s House’. Text: July 18th. [HMS] Philomel (1890) and Swallow (1885). July 19th [HMS] Racoon (1887) –sailed. 21st [HMS] Blonde (1889) and Sparrow (1889).

Page 22: Title: Mombasa. Repro ID L8232-009
Watercolour 38: ‘Ruined Fort at Makupa Ferry’. Text: July 22nd [HMS] Swallow (1885) arrived with Consul General.

Page 23: Title: Mombasa. Repro ID L8232-010
Watercolour 39: ‘The Large Mosque’.
Photograph 40: The principal mosque; a much faded and folded print.
The page is illustrated with watercolours by Admiral Bedford of dhows, the entrance to Mombasa harbour and a corner of the castle.

Page 24: Repro ID L8232-011
Photograph 41: Outskirts of Mombasa from the Kilindini Road. Part of print obscured by another print pasted over.
Photograph 42: Swahili traders in Masai dress.
Photograph 43: Group of camels with traders.
Photograph 44: Sea Face of Castle.

Page 25: Title: Mombasa. Repro ID L8232-012
Photograph 45: The Administrator’s House. Bottom of print partially obscured by another print pasted over it.
Photograph 46: Creek near Freretown.
Photograph 47: The Custom House Pier looking along the waterfront towards Fort Jesus.

Page 26: Title: Lamu Repro ID L8232-013
Watercolour 48: The Castle and harbour from the back part of town. Text: July 24th Anchored outside Lamu at 8 30am. Went into harbour in [HMS] Swallow (1885). Returned at sunset. Consul General remained on shore.

Page 27: Title: Lamu Repro ID L8232-014
Photograph 49: Native craft.
Photograph 50: View of the castle. Faded and much trimmed.
Watercolour 51: Thatched huts and inhabitants, sketched from the window of the IBEA Co’s agent premises {Imperial British East Africa Company).
Photograph 52: View in the bazaar.
Watercolour 53: Shella [Shela] Town at entrance of harbour. On the page are watercolours by Admiral Bedford of a dhow and the Old Battery at the entrance of harbour.

Page 28: Title: Lamu Repro ID L8232-015
Photograph 54: Street scene.
Photograph 55: Lamu Arab and attendants.
Photograph 56: View of the Castle from the sea, with a dhow at anchor in the foreground.
Photograph 57: ‘Bibis’.[Lamu women],
Photograph 58: View of rocks. Text: July 25th. Consul General came out in [HMS] Swallow embarked him and sailed. July 26th Sighted [HMS] Blonde and Racoon off Wazin about 9. Anchored at 11. Good Anchorage. July 27th. Left at 5pm. July 28th.Arrived Zanzibar.

Page 29: Title: Zanzibar Repro ID L8232-016
Photograph 59: View on the waterfront.
Photograph 60: Anglican Cathedral.
Photograph 61: ‘On the beach’.View on the waterfront.

Page 30: Title: Zanzibar Costumes. Repro ID L8232-017
Photograph 62: African family.
Photograph 63: Five African children.
Photograph 64: African family.

Page 31: Title; Zanzibar Repro ID L8232-018
Photograph 65: View taken during parade when Surgeon Bowden was awarded the DSO [for Gambia operation]. Total number of seamen and marines 730 with 6 field guns.
Photograph 66: The Barracks outside the town, presumably taken on the same day as the proceeding.
Photograph 67: View taken during parade as photograph 65.

Page 32: Title: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-019
Watercolour 68: The Anglican Cathedral from the opposite side of creek.

Page 33: Title: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-020
Photograph 69: Seamen landing at Kiungani during a sham fight.
Photograph 70: The M’Nazi Moja Road during some sports.
Photograph 71: The sham fight in progress –blue jackets advancing. Text: Raleigh out prize firing all day, made some good shooting. August 1st Sham fight in afternoon. Great crowd looking on.

Page 34: Title: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-021
Photograph 72: View over thatched rooftops towards the sea.
Photograph 73: ‘Workers on the Bububu estate’.
Photograph 74: ‘View of native quarters’. Text: August 2nd Cricket match between ships company of Raleigh and Blonde won by flagship. Football –Mids v Mission boys, latter won as usual. August 2nd. Inspected Swallow [1885]. Sing song on board.

Page 35: Title: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-022
Photograph 75: Inspection of Askaris in front of the Sultan’s Palace.
Photograph 76: ‘Beauties’. Four Swahili girls posing in front of a flight of stairs. Text: August 4th Cricket match. Raleigh against other ships (Blonde, Racoon, Swallow) flagship won. August 6th First day of cricket match Zanzibar versus Navy. August 7th Second of cricket match Navy won by 3 wickets; good game. Sing song club. August 8th Went across to Change Island to see progress of prison works, lunched there with General Matthews.

Page 36: Title: Zanzibar. Repro ID L8232-023
Watercolour 77: ‘Dhobies at work (fortunately white clothing is cheap in Zanzibar].
Watercolour 78: ‘A bit of the Cooper Institute’.
Watercolour 79: ‘Large hut on Tippoo Tib’s Shamba’. Text: August 9th Said goodbye to Sultan at 10am.

Page 37: Title: To Delagoa Bay.
Watercolour 80: View of Lourenco Marques from Delagoa Bay showing, from left to right –Custom house, Church, English consulate and the Magazine. Account of Raleigh’s movements between August 10th –August 19th when she anchored off Lourenco Marques.

Page 38: Title: To Simons Bay.
Photograph 81: ‘In the old Raleigh. And so ended my last cruise’. Account of ship’s movements from August 20th –August 24th when she anchored in Simon’s Bay.

Page 39: Title; Simons Bay.
Photograph 82: ‘Admiralty Cottage’.
Photograph 83: ‘Found the new terrace finished’.
Photograph 84: ‘Admiralty House’.
Photograph 85: ‘Found the new terrace finished’.

Page 40: Title: Simons Bay.
Photograph 86: ‘Mrs Kearney’s whale caught August 24th’.
Photograph 87: ‘The tennis courts’.
Page 88: ‘Racoon [1887], Blanche [1885], Penelope [1867] Swallow [1885]. Torpedo boat. Mooring lighter. Text: September 1st Had to send Racoon off to Delagoa Bay in a hurry. September 4th Received an unsettling telegram from Phoebe on West Coast. September 7th Telegram approving my going to West Coast. Philomel [1890] and Widgeon [1889] getting ready for sea. September 8th Embarked in Philomel at 7am and started immediately.

Page 41: Title: Flag flying on board Philomel.
Photograph 89: ‘HMS Philomel 8 guns Cruiser 3rd class, 2575 tons’ [at anchor]. Account of movements between September 9th -13th when she anchored off St Paul de Loanda.

Page 42: Title; St Paul de Loanda.
Photograph 90: ‘Part of town, Fort San Migeul and Loanda Island. Text: ‘September 14th Finished coaling 300 tons at 3am. Left for Bonny 3 20am, made 108’.

Page 43: Title: St Paul de Loanda to the River Benin.
Watercolour 91: HMS Philomel crossing the bar (Forcados River) 18th September 1894. Account of movements of HMS Philomel from St Paul de Loanda to the river Benin. On the page of the album is painted a coast profile showing Dutchmans Cap, Princes Island and Harbour

Page 44: Title: Off Brohemie River Benin. Repro ID L8232-024
Watercolour 92: In the Benin River, shelling the village of Brohemie. In company with Alecto [1882], Widgeon [1889], Phoebe [1890]. Text: September 19th Shelling Brohemie from 6am. Philomel and Phoebe one every ten minutes (5 minute interval) Alecto every half hour. Went down to Benin to see wounded in afternoon; back at 5. Big fire in town. Philomel shifted berth. With main topmast lashed to fore, crows nest built could see roofs of a few houses from it.

Page 45: Title: River Benin. Repro ID L8232-025
Photograph 93: ‘Chiefs coming alongside Philomel to pay their respects’.
Photograph 94: Chiefs and men in war canoe flying flag of Chief Dore, Small watercolour depicting one of Chief Dore’s flags.
Photograph 95: view from Philomel of war canoes. Account of the shelling of Brohemie after Chief Nana refuses to surrender. On the page of the album is painted a watercolour of one of the flags Chief Dore had flying on his canoe.

Page 46: Title: River Benin. Repro ID L8232-026
Account of sailing up river to Chief Nana’s stockade with sketch of river and of stockade painted on page of album.

Page 47: Title: River Benin. Repro ID L8232-027
Photograph 96: HMS Alecto at anchor on the Benin River. Photographed during actions against Chief Nana of Brohemia.
Photograph 97: as above. Account of sailing up river to Sapele station at junction of Benin and Ethiope rivers. Watercolour sketch of Alecto and of Ajagotou [village]on the Benin painted on page of album.

Page 48: Title: River Benin. Repro ID L8232-028
Photograph 98: ‘The Yoruba guides in JuJu dress’ Account of cutting through mangrove swamp depicted with watercolour painted on page of album.

Page 49: Repro ID L8232-029 & & Repro ID L8232-030 for fill map
Ephemera 1: Sketch plan of Brohemie Town and Circle with gun batteries marked on plan.
Ephemera 2: London Gazette Friday December 21 1894 –despatches sent by Bedford relating to Benin expedition including a list of ordnance and stores found in Brohemie.

Page 50: Title: River Benin. Repro ID L8232-031
Watercolour 99: ‘Nanna’s house and storehouses’.
Watercolour 100: ‘General view of Nanna’s Compund’. Text: September 25th Landed at 5 30am and marched up the track through swamps to Brohemie. When we got into more open country found ourselves in very good position in rear of defences. We were in the town soon after 8am and natives disappeared into bush. For details see [London] Gazette at end of book. Captured 106 cannon of various sizes, 445 swivel guns, about 1700 flint and cap guns, 14 tons of powder, 8,300 doz. of gin.

Page 51 Repro ID L8232-032
Watercolour 101: ‘Nana’s War Juju, about 1/5th actual size’.
Photograph 102: The magazine at Brohemie, a two storey building with corrugated iron roof. Caption: Behind heavy balks of timber with sheets of galvanised iron in front most of powder found. 14 tons was stowed.
Photograph 103: View looking along the creek in Brohemie.
Watercolour 104: ‘Bizanne’s War JuJu, about 1/5th actual size.
Photograph 105: Dismounted gun on the creek at Brohemie.
Photograph 106: ‘Reception at Chief Dore’s. A dance going on under the shed’.
Photograph 107: Two storey building with corrugated iron sides.
Photograph 108: Chief Dore with family.
Photograph 109: ‘Chief Dore, his wife, sisters, cousins and aunts: principally the former’.Account of freeing 600 slaves written on back of photographs which are pasted together.

Page 52: Title: Brohemie. Repro ID L8232-033
Photograph 110: ‘Inside of stockade at the creek at Brohemie which mounted 23 guns, 6 and 9prs. The Alecto’s boat was fired on from here on 25th August. Major Crawford and Captain J.Lialon of Protectoral Forces were very severely wounded. J.Jury AB mortally and J Perkins and C.Chick AB dangerously wounded.
Photograph 111: ‘Nana’s House’.
Photograph 112: A storehouse at Broemie, ‘broken cases of gin lying about’.
Ephemera 3: extract possibly from Army and Navy Illustrated –photographic print of Nana ex Chief of Benin [d.1916]
Ephemera 4: text describing operations against him.

Page 53: Title: Ascension Island.
Photograph 113: ‘Wideawake Fair’.
Photograph 114: ‘The Marine Guard’.
Photograph 115: View at Green Mountain.
Photograph 116: ‘Ascension Tree’[Photographic print of a painting].
Photograph 117: ‘At Bathurst’[view on the foreshore, looking towards storehouses and other buildings].
Photograph 118: ‘At Bathurst’ [view looking landwards along the jetty towards godowns.
Photograph 119: ‘St Paul de Loanda’ [the waterfront and harbour, with Africans standing on the beach in the foreground].
Photograph 120: View looking down onto Fort Penedo, with the harbour beyond.

Page 54:
Photograph 121: View looking along the shore towards Christiansborg Castle. Pasted on the back of a watercolour (no number) showing Prince’s Island and Dutchman’s Cap.
Photograph 122: View of St Paul de Loanda.
Photograph 123: Street scene, St Paul de Loanda..
Photograph 124: Distant view of St Paul de Loanda showing bay.
Watercolour 125: View of Mossamedes fort.

Page 55: Title: Simon’s Bay.
Photograph 126: ‘Stern of Penelope’[1867].
Photograph 127: ‘Admiralty House domestics’ [named].
Photograph 128: ‘From the Stoep, Admiralty House’.

Page 56: Title: Simon’s Bay.
Photograph 129: Group photograph –Admiral Bedford, Flag Lt. Streatfield, Secretary Byron, Flag Captain Gamble. All in uniform.
Photograph 130: ‘The Byron family and servants’ [on verandah of house. Byron wearing summer uniform].
Photograph 131: View of house.

Page 57: Title: Simon’s Bay. HMS Raleigh.
Photograph 132: HMS Raleigh [1873] at anchor in Simon’s Bay.
Photograph 133: HMS Raleigh [1873] underway. A photographic copy of a painting. Text: December 4th St George [1892] arrived from England to relieve Raleigh as flagship. December 10th Flag shifted. December 11th Raleigh left for England at 11am.

Page 58: Title: Simon’s Bay. HMS St George.
Photograph 134: HMS St George [1892] at anchor, Simon’s Bay.
Photograph 135: HMS St George [1892] underway. Newspaper cutting about her pasted over photograph.
Photograph 136: HMS St George [1892] moored at quayside, Simonstown.

Page 59: Title: Simon’s Bay.
Photograph 137: ‘Officers of HMS St George [1892]. Group photograph taken on deck.
Photograph 138: ‘From front door Admiralty House’ [street scene with horse drawn carriage].
Photograph 139: View of bay.
Photograph 140: ‘Children drilling on the lawn at Admiralty House.
Photograph 141: Ascension Church, Georgetown.
Photograph 142: View from Green Mountain.
Photograph 143: ‘In Georgetown’ [showing police station].Account of movements of St George between January 5th 1895-February 18th is written on the back of these photographs which are pasted together.

Page 60: Title: St Helena
Photograph 144: Photographic paint of a painting of Napoleon on his death bed with entourage in attendance.
Photograph 145: photographic print - head and shoulder sketches of entourage with their names.
Photograph 146: view of house on St Helena.
Photograph 147: view of Government Old House.
Photograph 148: waterfall, St Helena.

Page 61
Photograph 149: view of boom constructed across Brass River.
Ephemera 5: sketch of Nimbi and Brass River showing tracks of boats and stockaded villages destroyed.
Ephemera 6: woodcut [?Illustrated London News] showing boom constructed to oppose the advance of the British Flotilla.
Ephemera 7: half tone illustration [?The Graphic] entitled ‘The Punitive Expedition Against the Brassmen’.
Ephemera 8 [loose]: Plan to illustrate operations against Nimbi. February 20th-22nd 1894.
Ephemera 9: letter from King Koko and Chiefs of Brass 23rd February 1895.
Photograph 150: view of waterfront at Nimbi with launch flying red ensign flag. Photograph taken during the punitive action against King Koko and his Brassmen.
Ephemera 10: letter from King Koko 19th February 1895.
Ephemera 11: newspaper cutting entitled ‘The Expedition against the Brassmen’.
Ephemera 12: sketch of one of the booms near Sacrifice Island. On the back is a handwritten account by Bedford of the expedition, February 20th-26th 1894.
Photograph 151: ‘At Sacrifice Island’.
Photograph 152: ‘At Sacrifice Island’.

Page 62: Title: Nimbi
Photograph 153: Ruins of houses in Nimbi after the attack. Text: Alagoa’s after attack. From the stockade in front of this house facing the creek were the guns fired which killed Lt.Taylor and two men of St George and wounded two others.
Photograph 154: ‘Inside the stockade at Alagoa’s.

Photograph 155: ‘Nimbi after attack’.
Photograph 156: Head and shoulders full-face portrait of King Koko, African ruler on the Brass River.

Page 63: Title: Brass River.
Ephemera 13: Sketch showing tracks and positions of Barrosa (1889) and Widgeon (1889) when shelling Fish Town 24th and 26th February.
Photograph 157: ‘Remains of Fish Town stockade destroyed by gun cotton. Text: February 26th.Left Brass. March 1st. Arrived at St Paul de Loanda. March 3rd. Left early, having finished coaling. March 6th Intended going into Walfish bay but dense fog prevented. March 9th Arrived Simon’s Bay.

Page 64
Photograph 158: ‘Town Hall, Cape Town’.
Photograph 159: View of the Houses of Parliament, Cape Town.
Photograph 160: ‘Sir H & Lady Loch embarking in Mexican [Union Steamship Co. 1882]. Text: March 27th The Lochs left Cape Town in the Mexican. Great demonstration. Sent blue jacket guard up.

Page 65: Title: Simon’s Bay. Cape Colony.
Photograph 161: ‘The Lawn, Admiralty House, Sunday May 12th 1895. Lt.Streatfeild. Mrs Boughton. Mr Studley. Lady Bedford. Captain Gamble. Admiral [Bedford].

Page 66: Title: Goodbye to Simon’s Bay May 15th 1895.
Photograph 162: ‘At the railway station’.
Photograph 163: ‘At the railway station’

Object Details

ID: ALB0028
Type: Photograph Album
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Bedford, Frederick George Denham
Date made: 1885; 1895
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 405mm x 305mm x 30mm

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