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Thomas Lancaster to Lady Hamilton, Wimbledon, 12 April 1803, on the loss of Sir William.
Thomas Lancaster to Lady Hamilton, Wimbledon, 12 April 1803, on the loss of Sir William.
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Object Details
Display location:
Not on display
Date made:
1803-04-12 - 1803-04-12
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
1 item
A series of letters to Lady Hamilton 1794 - 1804. (Manuscript)
Hossker to Lady Hamilton, Lacco, 27 Sept 1794, on paying her physician. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/85)
Maria Hunter to Lady Hamilton, Hannover Square, 28 ? August [?], requesting a loan, promised £30 for a farce in which she mentions Lord Nelson. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/86)
Mrs ? Illgraves to Lady Hamilton, no date, unable to call from ill health (Manuscript) (CRK/22/87)
Mrs Jefferys? To Lady Hamilton, did not know the English ladies were to be invited to the court. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/88)
Maria Jenkins to Lady Hamilton, Rome, 18 January 1794, recommending Baroness Metting. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/89)
Mrs Johnson to Lady Hamilton, 9 March [?], on the passage to Gibraltar of the Sophia, with letters from her, and Miss Nelson playing the organ in the chapel. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/90)
HJ [Hannah Jameson] to Lady Hamilton, 2 April [1803], sending money for Wm South in a packet going to Lord Nelson, and enquiring after her bonnet. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/91)
H Jameson to Lady Hamilton, on the benefits received by the boys, no news of arrival in the Mediterranean. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/92)
Hannah Johnson to Lady Hamilton, 22 May 1803, on William serving his time, and on a foundling boy, William South on Victory sent by the Marine Society, annotated by Nelson, 'enquire after Wm South a boy have a letter for him'. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/93)
John Jolly to Lady Hamilton, Leviathan, 6 July 1799, condemned at a trial, seeking her intercession. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/94)
Thomas Lancaster to Lady Hamilton, Wimbledon, 12 April 1803, on the loss of Sir William. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/95)
E De La Main to Lady Hamilton, Caves, 1 August [?] thanking her for saving him. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/96)
La Hunville and Le Tavernia, to Lady Hamilton, 33 Mount St, Grosvenor Square, 29 August 1804, on non payment of bills for French wines, of £370. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/97)
Captain William Layman to Lady Hamilton, Raven Woolwich, 21 Sept 1804, on leaving for the Mediterranean, visited by Sidney Smith. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/98)
G Lettice to Lady Hamilton, Peasmarsh, Lamberhurst, Sussex, 18 Sept 1804, seeking her interest in recommending Mr Broadbent to succeed the English consul at Messina. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/99)
E Lind to Lady Hamilton, no date, on her recent affliction. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/100)
E Lind to Lady Hamilton, no date, [postmark 13 Oct 1803], Tuesday morning, planning to visit next week. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/101)
Captain Thomas Louis. Boulogne, Leopard, 29 Sept 1804, unable to see her at Ramsgate, wishing for his son's promotion, views on the 'Jesuit' [Lord St Vincent]. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/102)
Thomas Louis to Kate (Mrs Louis) at Chelston, Moreton Bushell, Devon, Minotaur, [Leghorn], 11 July 1800, to be forwarded by Lady Hamilton, who is setting out with Sir William and Lord Nelson for Vienna escorting the Queen of Naples. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/103)
Mrs Lutwidge to Lady Hamilton, 30 March [?], happy to see her tomorrow, asking her for an opera ticket. (Manuscript) (CRK/22/104)
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