Irrawaddy Flotilla Co. Ltd. photograph album relating to company's residencies, offices, the Rangoon Fuondry, Dalla Dockyard, and Pazundaung Foundry

Contents (plate number) – Most captions handwritten in black ink, except for views Nos. 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58 (printed):
1. New Chummery – “Belfield” – Built 1924 in “Belmont” Compound [Company’s property in Rangoon] Negative number: B6536/3
2. Another view of above – Negative number: B6536/4
3. New Bassein Agency House – Photo enclosed with Rangoon Letter No.544 of 28 July 1924 – Negative number: B6536/5

V.W.S. “Fano” [double decked twin screw steamer “Fano” (1924)] Photographs enclosed with Rangoon Letter No.600 of 16th August 1924. After vessel had commenced plying on “Rangoon-Kyaiklat” service.
4. [Starboard broadside view] Negative number: B3568(26)
5. [Starboard bow view] Negative number: B3568(26)
6. [Starboard quarter view] Negative number: B3568(9)
7. [Starboard just off stern view] Negative number: B3568(9)

8. New Office at Rangoon Foundry – Built Dec. 1924. Negative number: B3568(26)
9. “Belwood” New Chummery – Built 1924 [Company’s property in Rangoon] No negative
10. “Belstone”. Assistant’s Bungalow. Built March January 1925 [Company’s property in Rangoon] No negative
11. Assistant Superintendents New Bungalow at Dalla. Built April 1925. No negative
12. New Creek Steamer “Grotto” – Received with Rangoon Letter No. 132 of 13/2/29 [double decked twin screw steamer “Grotto” (1926)] Negative number: B3568(27)

Photographs of New Creek Steamer “Elmo” – 110’x 24’6”x 7’ – Received with Rangoon Letter No. 346 of 2/5/26 [double decked twin screw steamer “Elmo” (1926)]
13. [Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(4)
14. [Bow view] Negative number: B3568(4)
15. [Starboard quarter view] Negative number: B3568(29)

Photographs of New Inspection Launch “Snipe” – Received with Rangoon Letter No.123 of 12 October 1926 [“Snipe” (1926)]
16. [Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(8)
17. [Starboard bow view] Negative number: B3568(28)

Photographs of New Jug “Kamakyi” 100’x 20’x 8’6” – Received with Rangoon Letter No. 865 of 3rd December 1926 [Tug “Kamakyi” (1926)]
18. [Starboard broadside view] Negative number: B3568(7)
19. [Bow view] Negative number: B3568(7)

Photographs of New Jug “Kunwa” – 88’x 18’x 7’6” – Received with Rangoon Letter No. 913 of 24th December 1926 [Tug “Kunwa” (1926)]
20. [Starboard broadside view] Negative number: B3568(31)
21. [Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(31)

22. Photograph of P.S. “Mintha” 200’x 32’x 7’6” built 1927. Received with Rangoon Letter No. 349 of 13 May 1927 [“M” Class paddle steamer “Mintha” (1926), Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(6)

23. Photograph of Creek Steamer “Waldo” 115’x 26’x 7’6” built 1927. Received with Rangoon Letter No. 913 of 21st November 1927 [double decked twin crew steamer “Waldo” (1927), Starboard bow view] Negative number: B3568(6)

24. Photograph of Creek Steamer “Waipo” 115’x 26’x 7’6” built 1927. Received with Rangoon Letter No.955 of 5/12/27 [double decked twin screw steamer “Waipo” (1927), Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(30)

25. Photograph of Steam Barge “Rialto” 132’x 26’x 7’6” built 1927 at Dalla Dockyard. [“Rialto” (1927), Starboard broadside view] Negative number: B3568(30)

26. New Botatoung Depot Offices . Received with Rangoon Letter No.80 of 26 January 1928 [on the front of the building can be read: “Irrawaddy Flotilla Co Ltd – Incorporated in Scotland – Botatoung Depot”] Negative number: B3568(5) & B6536/8
27. New Quarter for Godown Superintendent & Tug Master at Botatoung with Durwans Quarters. Received with Rangoon Letter No.80 of 26th January 1928 - Negative number: B6536/7
28. Rangoon Office Staff – January, 1928. Received with Rangoon Letter No.25 of 9th January 1928 - No negative

29. Oil Tanker “Chintank” 140’x 27’x 8’6”. Received with Rangoon Letter No.517 of June 28th, 1928. Built at Dalla Dockyard, 1928. Engines-Aitcheson Blair, Ltd. Boiler-Alexander Anderson & Sons, Ltd [“Chintank” (1928), Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(33)

S.S. “Titan” [Buoy vessel “Titan” (1927)]
30. Built at Dalla Dockyard, 1927 for Rangoon Port Commissioners [Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(33)
31. Buoy Vessel “Titan” [Port bow view] Negative number: B3568(1)
32. Received with Rangoon Letter No.758 of 10/9/28 [Port just off bow view] Negative number: B3568(1)

33. New Kalema Agency House. Received with Rangoon Letter No.774 of 17 September, 1928. Negative number: B6536/9

Rangoon Foundry
34. Received with Rangoon Letter No. 795 of 24th September, 1928 [shows barges under construction with the large foundry in the background] Negative number: B3568(3)
35. Received with Rangoon Letter No. 795 of 24th September, 1928 [shows steamers in dry dock: “Dahlia” (1904), “Meping” (1910), “Kilo” (1908), “Yadane” (1919)] Negative number: B3568(32)

36. Swing Bridge for Port Commissioners – Received with Rangoon Letter No. 795 of 24th September, 1928. Negative number: B3568(2)

37. Petrol Storage Tanks for Burmah Oil Co. Received with Rangoon Letter No. 795 of 24th September, 1928. Negative number: B3568(34)

38. Belmont showing Front Porch. Received with Rangoon Letter No.1050 of 28th December 1928. No negative
39. Belmont showing Verandah & Porch. Received with Rangoon Letter No.1050 of 28th December 1928. No negative
40. Belmont showing Drawing Room & Hall. Received with Rangoon Letter No.1050 of 28th December 1928. Negative number: B6536/13
41. Belmont showing Study. Received with Rangoon Letter No.1050 of 28th December 1928. Negative number: B6536/14

42. Myanoung Agency House. Received with Rangoon Letter No.282 of 8th April 1929. Negative number: B3568(17)

43. Paddle Steamer “Minlat” completed 1929. (Photograph received with Rangoon Letter No.304 of 12.4.29. [“M” Class paddle steamer “Minlat” (1929), Starboard broadside view] Negative number: B3568(17)

44. New Agency House at Bhamo. Received with Rangoon Letter No.552 of 4th July, 1929. Negative number: B5436(14)
45. South East View [same building as No.44] Negative number: B5436(14)

46. Tug “Byat” – 66’x 14’x 6’6” – Built 1929, for towage at Bassein – Photograph received with Rangoon Letter No. 686 of 21/8/29 [“Byat” (1929), Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(18)

Tug “Yahine” [“Yahine” (1929)]
47. [Port bow view] Negative number: B3568(36)
48. 88’x 18’x 7’6” – Built at Dalla 1929 – Engines-Campbell & Calderwood – Boiler-Alexander & Sons Ltd. Received with Ranggon Letter No.900 of 15/11/29 [Starboard broadside view] Negative number: B3568(36)

49. Tug “Larong”. Built at Dalla Dockyard 1929 – 105’x 20’x 9’ – Received with Rangoon Letter No.40 of 13th Jan. 1930 [“Larong” (1929), Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(15)

50. Motor Barge “Alpha”. Built at Dalla Dockyard 1929 – 100’x 20’x 8’ – Received with Rangoon Letter No.40 of 13th Jan. 1930 [“Alpha” (1929), Port bow view] Negative number: B3568(15)

Slips at Rangoon Foundry – 1930 [Nos. 51, 52, 53 show rotating views of the same slipway with workers cleaning the steel plates of the slip. Double decked twin screw steamer “Mikado” (1914) run aground because of low tide in the background]
51. Taken 15’2’30 – Low water 1.30 p.m. Tide – 0.5 ft. Negative number: B3568(35)
52. Taken 15’2’30 – Low water 1.30 p.m. Tide – 0.5 ft. Negative number: B3568(16)
53. Taken 15’2’30 – Low water 1.30 p.m. Tide – 0.5 ft. Negative number: B3568(20)

Tug “Panhlaing”. Built at Dalla Dockyard 1930. [“Painhlaing” (1930)]
54. [Starboard broadside view] Negative number: B3568(13)
55. [Same photograph magnified] Negative number: B3568(13)

Pilot Launch “Ayr”. 54’x 11’x 5’3” - Built 1930. Fitted with 60/80 HP. “Gleniffer” Diesel Engine. 4 cylinders [“Ayr” (1930)]
56. [Starboard bow view] Negative number: B3568(19)
57. Port broadside view] Negative number: B3568(19)

58. Harbour tug “Kukri” 70’x 15’x 6’6”. Built at Dalla Dockyard 1930 [« kukri (1930), Starboard bow view] Negative number: B3568(14)

Slips at Rangoon Foundry - Taken 6th February 1931. Time 2.18 p.m. Tide 0.4 ft.
59. [Shows the right side of the slipway] Negative number: B3568(22)
60. [Shows the centre of the slipway] Negative number: B3568(22)
61. [Shows the left side of the slipway] Negative number: B3568(22)

Dalla Dockyard
New Stores Building and New Fitting Shop – Built 1931
62. [External view] Negative number: B3568(11)
63. [Same as No.62 but closer] Negative number: B3568(11)
Upper Floor of New Stores Building – 1931
64. [Internal view] Negative number: B3568(21)
65. [Internal view] Negative number: B3568(21)

66. New Offices, Rangoon. Photograph of Architects Drawing, September. 1931. Negative number: B6536/15

67. Dalla Dockyard Improvement – New Electric Winches for No.6 (Broadside) Slipway [Shows actually an official builder’s photograph of the winches] Negative number: B3568(24)

Slips at the Rangoon Foundry – Taken 24th February 1932 – Time 1.30 pm. Tide 0.3 ft.
68. [Shows the left side of the slipway] Negative number: B3568(12)
69. [Shows the centre of the slipway] Negative number: B3568(12)
70. [Shows the right side of the slipway] Negative number: B3568(12)

71. Motor Barge “Alma” 94’x 20’x 8’ – Fitted with 2 cylinder 120 B.H.P. Bolinder Engine. Received with Rangoon Letter No.329 of 6th May 1932 [“Alma” (1931) Negative number: B3568(23)

72. Single Deck Delta Motor Launch “Ngawun” received with Rangoon Letter No.53 of 25th January, 1933 [Starboard bow view] Negative number: B3568(23)

New Rangoon Office
73. New Office Front (In course of construction). Received with Rangoon Letter No.809 of 2/12/32. Negative number: B6536/16
74. New Office Back (In course of construction). Received with Rangoon Letter No.809 of 2/12/32. Negative number: B6536/18
75. New Rangoon Office. Opened, August 1933 [view of the front] No negative
76. New Rangoon Office. Opened, August 1933 [view of the front] No negative
77. New Rangoon Office. Opened, August 1933 [view of the front gallery] No negative
78. New Rangoon Office. Opened, August 1933 [view of the main entrance] No negative

Pazundaung Foundry [near Rangoon]
79. Office with the end of main buildings. Taken from across lower Panzundaung Road. Negative number: B3568(10)
80. Showing the frontage into Pazundaung Road and on left full length of buildings in Dawbong Street. Negative number: B3568(10)
81. Taken from river bank at end of Dawbong Street. The Pucca building on left of entrance is the Durwans Quarters. The four circular tanks are used for water storage and were taken from express steamers years ago. Negative number: B3568(25)
82. Taken from Bullock Bros. Mill and shows complete buildings, with railway siding into compound and two vessels on slips. The buildings in the immediate foreground belong to Bullock Bros. but our boundary fence can be clearly seen in centre of picture. Negative number: B3568(25)

New Office
83. Ground Floor and Staircase. Freight Dept. on left. Cash and Launch Depts. on right. Negative number: B6536/23
84. First Floor. Negative number: B6536/17
85. 1st Floor. Main Office. Negative number: B6536/24
86. Board Room. Negative number: B6536/25

Object Details

ID: ALB0292
Type: Photograph album
Display location: Not on display
Date made: circa 1924 to 1933
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall: 280 mm x 380 mm

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