Boiler plate

Boiler plate with a patch bolted on, cut out of the boiler of the Nile steamer 'Safieh' by Field Marshall Viscount Kitchener in 1898 and presented to Admiral Lord Charles Beresford who commanded the vessel during the action at Wad-el-Habeshi 3-4 February 1885. The steamer's boiler was hit by a shot from the 3-gun fort. It was repaired by Chief engineer Henry Benbow (it took him ten hours).
'Too much credit cannot be given to this officer, as he had to shape the plate, bore the holes in plate and boiler, run down the screws and nuts, almost entirely with his own hands, the artificers and everyone in the stokehold having been scalded severely by the explosion when the shot entered the boilers. The plate was 16 inches by 14, so that some idea can be formed of the work entailed upon him.' Beresford quoted in Laird Clowes.

Object Details

ID: REL0399
Collection: Relics
Type: Boiler plate
Display location: Not on display
Events: Action at Wadi Habashi, 1885
Vessels: Safieh fl.1885
Date made: Before 1885
People: Beresford, Charles William de la Poer; Benbow, Henry Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Greenwich Hospital Collection
Measurements: 1385 mm x 760 mm x 35 mm