(1810-1887), Rear Edward James Bedford
A. Constable & Co
Adams, Dudley
Adams, Robert
Aird, D.
Aldrich, Pelham
Allard, Carolus
Alldridge, George Manley
Andrews, John
Anich, Peter
Anson, George
Appleton, J.W.
Archdeacon, William Edwin
Archive Editions Ltd
Arlett, William
Arrowsmith, Aaron
Arrowsmith, John
Ashton, Henry G.G.
Aubert, Benoni
Australian Hydrographic Service
Avon Fine Prints
Baker, Benjamin
Baldwin, Cradock & Joy
Balfour, A. F.
Ballast Office
Balmazovic, Djordje
Bardin, William
Barnett, Edward
Barnsley, Henry
Barrow, John
Basire, Isaac
Bate, Robert Brettell
Bate, William Thronton
Bateman & Son
Bateman, John
Bateman, Richard
Bayfield, Henry Wolsey
Beaufort, Francis
Becher, Alexander Bridport
Bedford, E. I.
Bedford, George Augustus
Bedwell, Edward Parker
Beechey, Frederick William
Beechey, Richard Brydges
Behaim, Martin
Belcher, Edward
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas
Benjn Baker & Assistants
Bennett, John
Berry, William
Bissell, Austin
Blachford, Robert
Blackwood, Francis Price
Blaeu, Joan
Blaeu, Willem Jansz
Blaeu, Willem Jans Zoon
Blair, Archibald
Bligh, William
Board of Trade
Boteler, T.
Boulton, J.G.
Bourgoin le Jeune
Bowen, Emanuel
Bowen, Thomas
Boyle, A. J.
Brault, Léon
Bray, Navigation E. H. S.
Brazilian Submarine Telegraph Company
Bremond, Laurent
Brion, Henry F.
British Transport Docks Board
Brock, Thomas Saumarez
Brockdorff & Sons
Brooker, Edward Wolfe
Brooks, Samuel Arthur
Brucks, George Barnes
Bruny-D'Entrecasteaux, Antoine Raymond Joseph
Bullock, Charles James
Bullock, Frederick
Burd, Clarence H.
Bureau of Topographical Engineers
Burstal, Edward
Burston, John
Cadell, Thomas
Calver, Edward Killwick
Calver, William B.
Campana, Antonio
Canadian Hydrographic Service
Canadian Weather Service
Cannon, James
Captain Manganari
Captain Sidney Arthur Geary Hill, S.A.G.
Carless, Thomas Grere
Carmichael, John
Carpenter, Alfred
Carrington, P. A.
Carrington, Robert Christopher
Cary & Co.
Cary, J.
Cary, John
Cary, William
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico
Cassini, Giovanni Maria
Cassini de Thury, Cesar-Francois
Chalfour, J.E.
Chapman, Morris
Chapman, William
Charles Smith & Son
Chilean Government Survey
Chimmo, William
Church, William Harvey
Claesz, Nicolay Cornelis
Clark, C.E.
Clarke Forde & Co
Clerk, James
Close, Albert
Cogan, Robert
Coghlan, J. E.
Colbeck, W. R.
Collins, Greenvile
Collinson, Richard
Columbine, Edward Henry
Combe, James William
Comberford, Nicholas
Commander Owen
Commander Wood
Company, Commercial Cable
Coode CE, John
Cook, James
Coombs, William Harry
Copeland, Richard
Coronelli, Vincenzo
Cox, Henry Laird
Creyke, Richard Boynton
Dalrymple, Alexander
Danckers, Justus
Davidson, A. P.
Davies & Bryer
Davies & Company
Davies & Powell
Davies, Bryer & Company
Davis & Company
Dawson, Llewellyn Styles
Dawson, Willoughby Pudsey
Dayman, Joseph
De Mayne, Anthony
Denham, Henry Mangles
Department of Commerce, USA
Department of the Interior
Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine
Depot Generale de la Marine
Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet
Dessiou, Joseph Foss
Det Kongelige danske Sokortarkiv
Deutsche Hydrographische Institut
Dheulland, Guillaume
Diston, John
Dixon, J. Whitly
Dobree, Nicholas
Dougal, W. H.
Drury, Byron
Dudley, Robert
Dunn, Samuel
Duperrey, Louis Isidore
Dury, Andrew
Eastern Extension Australasia & China Telegraph Company
Eastern Telegraph Co
Edward Stanford Ltd
Edye, A. G.
Elmes, James
Elson, Thomas
Elwon, T.
Ende, Joshua van de
Ethersey, Richard
Evans, Frederick John Owen
Faden, William
Falle, P.J.
Federal Government of Rhodesia & Nyasaland
Field, Arthur Mostyn
Findlay, Alexander George
Fitzroy, Robert
Flinders, Matthew
Fortin, Jean
Franklin, John
Frazer, George Alexander
French Government%
French Navy
Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaules de
G. & W. Nichol
Gastaldi, Giacomo
Gedge, Herbert James
George Philip & Son Ltd
Gerritsz, Hessel
Goalen, W. N.
Gomme, Bernard de
Goodsall, Walter
Goos, Pieter
Gowlland, John T.
Graves, Thomas
Green, John
Grieve, Comannder J. N.
Grove, Carl Fredrik
Guy, J. M.
Guy, M. S.
Haines, S. B.
Hall, Daniel
Halley, Edmond
Hardie, D.
Harmar, T.
Harris, H. R.
Harrison, W.
Hawskworth, J.
Heather, William
Heming, Thomas Henry
Herbert, G. F.
Herbert, William
Hewett, William
Heywood, Peter
Hinton, John
HM Admiralty
Hobbs, J.S.
Homewood & Son
Hondius, Jodocus
Honourable East India Company
Horsburgh, James
Hoskyn, Richard Frazer
Houghton, M.
Howard, Frederick
Hull, Thomas A.
Hunter, John
Hurd, Thomas
Hutchinson, John
Hutchison, C. A. G.
Hydrografisch Bureau
Imperial Russian Marine Ministry
Imray, James
Imray, James Frederick
Indian Marine Survey Department
Inglefield, Edward Augustus
Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert
James, Henry
James Imray & Son
James Kirkwood & Sons
James Whittle & Richard Holmes Laurie
Jamieson, G.
Jansson, Jan
Japanese Hydrographic Office, Tokyo
Jarrad, Frederick W.
Jeffery, James
Jefferys, Thomas
John Carter Brown Library
Johnson, E. I.
Johnson, Joseph
Jones, E. Lester
Kaempfer, Engelbert
Kellett, Henry
Kelvin & Hughes Ltd
Kendall, Edward Nicholas
Kerr, James H.
Keulen, Gerard Van
Keulen, Johannes van
Keulen II, Johannes van
King, Phillip Parker
Kip, Johannes
Kitchen, Thomas
Klinger, Johann Georg
Klint, Gustaf af
Knight, John
Kortright, A.
Lamb, Francis
Laurie, Richard Holmes
Lawrance, George Bell
Laws, John M.
Lea, Philip
Learmonth, Frederick Charles
Lindsay, John
Lloyd, Richard
Lockyer, Hughes C.
Lopez, Don Tomas
Loring, Hector
Lucini, Antonio Francesco
Lys, Navigation V.H.
Mackenzie, Murdoch
Maclear, J. P.
Malby & Son
Mannevillette, M. d'Après de
Mansell, Arthur Lucas
Marder, Arthur Jacob
Margary, Harry Herbert
Maxwell, W.F.
May, Daniel John
Mayne, Richard C.
Mayo, William
McCluer, John
McCorquodale & Co Ltd
McDougall, George Frederick
Mercator, Gerardus
Merikarttalaitos Suomi [Finnish Hydrographic Service]
Mersey Docks and Harbour Board
Meteorological Office
Miguel, Vincente Tofino de San
Millard, John
Mitchell, John
Moll, H.
Moll, Herman
Monrocq Frères
Moore, William Usborne
Moresby, Robert
Morgan, William
Moriarty, Henry Augustus
Morris, Lewis
Morris, William
Mortier, Pieter
Mouchez, Ernst B.
Mount & Page
Mr Purdy
Mudge, William
Murray, John
Nares, George Strong
Nichelson, William
Nichol, George
Nieuhoff, John
Norie & Co., J.W.
Norie, John William
Ogilby, John
Oldham, Cecil Frederick
Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey Office
Orlebar, John
Ortelius, Abraham
Osborn, Rear Sherard
Otter, Henry C.
Owen, Richard
Owen, WiIliam Fitzwilliam
Oxford University Press
Palmer, William I.
Parry, J.F.
Parsons, John
Pasco, Frederick Claude Coote
Pascoe, T.C.
Pender, Daniel
Petley, Eaton W.
Petrus Plancius, Petrus
Phelipeau, Sieur Rene
Port of London Authority
Potter, John Dennett
Powell, Frederick Thomas
Powell, J. Edward
Price, Charles
Ptolemy, Claudius
Purdy, John
Purey-Cust, H.E.
Radclyffe, Edward
Rand McNally & Co
Ravenstein, E. G.
Reed, John William
Rennell, James
Replogle Globes Inc
Reveley, Willey
Reyne, F. A.
Richards, George Edward
Richards, George Henry
Richards, J.
Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo
Roberts, Henry
Robert Sayer & John Bennett
Robertson, George
Robinson, C. G.
Roe, John Septimus
Rose, W.
Ross, Daniel
Roussin, Albion Renè Baron de Contre
Roux, Joseph
Russell, John
Salcedo, D. Jose Montojo y
Saxton, Christopher
Sayer, Robert
Seal, Kally Dass
Seale, Richard William
Seller, John
Senex, John
Senior, Murdoch Mackenzie
Service Hydrographique de la Marine
Seutter, Matthaeus
Sharbau, Henry
Sheringham, William Louis
Sherman & Smith
Shortland, Peter F.
Sidney, Frederick William
Siemen Bros & Co Ltd
Siemens Bros & Co Ltd
Siemens Brothers and Co Ltd, London
Simpkins, William
Simpson, H. G.
Skead, Francis
Slater, Michael A.
Smith, T. M.
Smith, Thomas
Smyth, Morris Henry
Smyth, William Henry
Sonnet, L.
Spanish Admiralty
Speer, Joseph Smith
Spence, Graeme
Spratt, Thomas Abel Bremage
Stafford, M. H.
Stanford, Edward
Stanley, George
Stanley, Henry J.
Stanley, Owen
Stanton, William
Steel, P.
Stephenson, James
Stiffe, Arthur William
Stockdale, John
Stokes, John Lort
Strahan, William
Sulivan, Bartholomew James
Survey Department Egypt [from War Office map]
Taylor, Alfred Dundas
Terry, G.
Thames Conservancy
The Corporation of Trinity House
The Royal Cruising Club
Thomas, Commander George
Thomas, F. W. L.
Thomas Malby
Thornton, John
Thornton, Samuel
Tizard, Thomas Henry
Tooker, W.
Topographical Section General Staff
Tower, Mudge
U.S. National Geodetic Survey
Underhill, Arthur
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
United States Government
United States Naval Oceanographic Office
Unknown [English]
Unknown [French]
Unknown [Spanish]
US Department of Commerce, Coast & Geodetic Survey
Vaillant, Paul
Valk, Gerard
Valk, Leonard
Van Loon, Joannes
Vereker, Foley Charles Prendegast
Vice-Admiral Rosili
Vidal, Alexander Thomas Emeric
Vincendon-Dumoulin, Clement Adrian
Vincent Brooks Day & Son Ltd
Visconti, Ferdinando
Visscher, Claes Janszoon
Vuillaume, R.
Wales, John
Walker, J.
Walker, J. & C.
Walker, John
Ward, C. Y.
Ward, John
War Office, Geographical Section
Washington, John
Weale, John
Weiland, Carl Ferdinand
Weller & Addison
Weller, Edward
Weller, F. S.
Wharton, William James Lloyd
Whitchurch, William
White, Martin
White Fish Authority
Whitehouse, B.
Wibe, N. A.
Wickham, John Clements
Wilkes, Charles
Wilkins, Hugh Percival
Wilkinson, George R.
Williams, G.
William Strahan and Thomas Cadell
Wilson, Charles
Wit, Frederick De
Wolfe, James
Wood, James
Woodward, George
Wright, Gabriel
Wyld, James
Younger, James Wyld The