Advertising artwork
Black line and wash drawing on artboard
Bomb Vessel (no date)
Building aircraft carrier
cable compressor
Calculations sheet
ceremonial artifact: Commonwealth Standard
ceremonial artifact: flag, national
ceremonial artifact: jack
ceremonial artifact: standard
Cradle for polar axis
deck, gun
deck, orlo
deck, quarter
Declination axis
Declination Circle
Declination circle
Declination slow motion
Declination WNM drive
documentary artifact: drawing
documentary artifact: ship plan
documentary artifact: ship plan: anchor
documentary artifact: ship plan: anchor crane
documentary artifact: ship plan: anchor shank
documentary artifact: ship plan: anchor stock(Rodger's)
documentary artifact: ship plan: apparatus
documentary artifact: ship plan: apparatus, dredging
documentary artifact: ship plan: argon binnacle lamp
documentary artifact: ship plan: armour, general arrangement
documentary artifact: ship plan: beam end, orlop
documentary artifact: ship plan: beams
documentary artifact: ship plan: bed places
documentary artifact: ship plan: berthing
documentary artifact: ship plan: boarding line, bow
documentary artifact: ship plan: body
documentary artifact: ship plan: boiler
documentary artifact: ship plan: bolts
documentary artifact: ship plan: bomb room
documentary artifact: ship plan: bow
documentary artifact: ship plan: cabins
documentary artifact: ship plan: cable compressor
documentary artifact: ship plan: capstan
documentary artifact: ship plan: carriage, carronade(12pdr)
documentary artifact: ship plan: carriage, garrison
documentary artifact: ship plan: carriage, gun
documentary artifact: ship plan: carriage, gun(68pdr)
documentary artifact: ship plan: carriage, gun(Marshall's)
documentary artifact: ship plan: carriage, timber
documentary artifact: ship plan: carronade(9pdr)
documentary artifact: ship plan: carronade(18pdr)
documentary artifact: ship plan: cathead
documentary artifact: ship plan: chain cable
documentary artifact: ship plan: chain locker
documentary artifact: ship plan: chain pump
documentary artifact: ship plan: channels
documentary artifact: ship plan: cheek, mast
documentary artifact: ship plan: crane, portable
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, bridges
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, debris
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, forecastle
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, gun
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, lower
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, main
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, middle
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, orlop
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, platform
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, poop
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, quarter
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, quarter & forecastle
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, shelter
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, upper
documentary artifact: ship plan: diving bell
documentary artifact: ship plan: engine
documentary artifact: ship plan: figurehead
documentary artifact: ship plan: frame
documentary artifact: ship plan: furnace
documentary artifact: ship plan: galley
documentary artifact: ship plan: geer block
documentary artifact: ship plan: gun
documentary artifact: ship plan: gun, bow
documentary artifact: ship plan: gun mount
documentary artifact: ship plan: gunport
documentary artifact: ship plan: gunport illuminator
documentary artifact: ship plan: half boats
documentary artifact: ship plan: half breadth
documentary artifact: ship plan: hammocks
documentary artifact: ship plan: head
documentary artifact: ship plan: hearth
documentary artifact: ship plan: hold
documentary artifact: ship plan: inboard works, expansion of
documentary artifact: ship plan: keel
documentary artifact: ship plan: keel, hinged(Henniker's)
documentary artifact: ship plan: keel, sliding
documentary artifact: ship plan: lines
documentary artifact: ship plan: lines & profile
documentary artifact: ship plan: machine, dredging
documentary artifact: ship plan: magazine
documentary artifact: ship plan: mast
documentary artifact: ship plan: mast, main
documentary artifact: ship plan: masts & yards
documentary artifact: ship plan: mast support
documentary artifact: ship plan: mooring block
documentary artifact: ship plan: mooring gear
documentary artifact: ship plan: mortar
documentary artifact: ship plan: mortar bed
documentary artifact: ship plan: netting stantion
documentary artifact: ship plan: nipper
documentary artifact: ship plan: outboard works, expansion of
documentary artifact: ship plan: paddle wheel
documentary artifact: ship plan: pintle & brace
documentary artifact: ship plan: pintles, rudder
documentary artifact: ship plan: platform(fore & after)
documentary artifact: ship plan: platform, carronade
documentary artifact: ship plan: plug, waste water pipe
documentary artifact: ship plan: powder room
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, inboard
documentary artifact: ship plan: propeller(raising of)
documentary artifact: ship plan: propeller, screw
documentary artifact: ship plan: propeller, windmill
documentary artifact: ship plan: pump
documentary artifact: ship plan: pump(Truscott's)
documentary artifact: ship plan: pump, deck washing
documentary artifact: ship plan: rail, counter
documentary artifact: ship plan: rig
documentary artifact: ship plan: roundhouse
documentary artifact: ship plan: roundhouse, quarter
documentary artifact: ship plan: rudder
documentary artifact: ship plan: rudder(temporary)
documentary artifact: ship plan: rudder cap
documentary artifact: ship plan: rudder head
documentary artifact: ship plan: rudder port
documentary artifact: ship plan: sail
documentary artifact: ship plan: scarphing of timbers
documentary artifact: ship plan: screw shaft
documentary artifact: ship plan: scupper
documentary artifact: ship plan: section
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, aft
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, forward
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, midship
documentary artifact: ship plan: shackle
documentary artifact: ship plan: sheep pen
documentary artifact: ship plan: sheer
documentary artifact: ship plan: sheer & profile
documentary artifact: ship plan: sheer & profile(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: sheer(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: shell room
documentary artifact: ship plan: shroud
documentary artifact: ship plan: skids, boat(life rafts)
documentary artifact: ship plan: steering apparatus
documentary artifact: ship plan: steering gear
documentary artifact: ship plan: steering wheel
documentary artifact: ship plan: stern
documentary artifact: ship plan: stern, circular
documentary artifact: ship plan: stools
documentary artifact: ship plan: stopper, slip
documentary artifact: ship plan: tanks, provision
documentary artifact: ship plan: tiller
documentary artifact: ship plan: top(main & fore)
documentary artifact: ship plan: transporting truck, boat
documentary artifact: ship plan: ventilating apparatus
documentary artifact: ship plan: ventilation openings
documentary artifact: ship plan: wales
documentary artifact: ship plan: water closet
documentary artifact: ship plan: windlass
documentary artifact: ship plan: yard, main
documentary artifact: ship plan: yardarm, main topsail
drafting t&e: drawing instruments
drafting t&e: drawing instrument set
drafting t&e: drawing instrument set(case only)
drafting t&e: drawing instrument set(pocket set)
drafting t&e: set, drawing instrument
Drawing; banana
Drawing; pencil
Drawing and indicator diagram scales
Drawing compass
Drawing curve
Drawing instrument
Drawing Instrument
Drawing instrument?
Drawing instrument? compass
Drawing instrument box
Drawing instrument box insert
Drawing instrument case
Drawing instrument pencil
Drawing instruments
Drawing instrument set
Drawing Instrument set
Drawing instrument set box
Drawing instrument set box base
Drawing instrument set box lid
Drawing pen
Drawing pins
DrawingTechnical drawing
Driving circle
Driving clock
DTechnical drawing
fragment of 'V' bracket
Friction rollers
Glass plate negative
lines & profil
Lines & profile
Manuscript; Technical drawing
ManuscriptTechnical drawing
Memorial wreath
Miniature portrait of Admiral Sir William Bolton
Montague (1757)
Non - contemporary bracket
Non-contemporary bracket
Officer of the Watch telescope
Oil on paper
original art: drawing
original art:drawing
original art: drawings
original art: print
Part, stand
Part of Compass?
Pastel drawing
Pastel Drawing
Pastel Portrait
personal symbol: coat of arms
Photograph album
Photographic print
Plate from restoration
Polar axis
RA bracket
RA divided circle
RA driving circle
Restraining 'v' piece
Right ascension WNM drive
Set, Drawing Instrument
Slow motion handle
Slow motion line adjustment
stopper, slip
Support stand
Table of dimensions
Techncial Drawing
Technical Document
Technical drawing
Technical Drawing
technical drawing
Technical drawingDrawing
Technical Drawing for refractor telescope
telescope, part
telescope, part of
Telescope tube
timekeeper: time-ball
Upper deck plan
visual communication t&e: flag, signal
Wall mounted embroidery
Wall mounted sailor's collar
water transport
water transport: cargo vessel
water transport: cargo vessel: barge
water transport: cargo vessel: brig, slave
water transport: cargo vessel: convict ship
water transport: cargo vessel: East Indiaman
water transport: cargo vessel: lighter
water transport: cargo vessel: mail & cattle boat
water transport: cargo vessel: merchant ship
water transport: dumb vessel
water transport: exploration/research vessel: cutter, survey
water transport: exploration/research vessel: survey vessel
water transport: fighting vessel
water transport: fighting vessel: 1 gun boat
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker
water transport: fighting vessel: 2nd rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 gun boat
water transport: fighting vessel: 3rd rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 4 gun boat
water transport: fighting vessel: 6 gun boat
water transport: fighting vessel: 6th rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 8 gun boat
water transport: fighting vessel: 10 gun boat
water transport: fighting vessel: 20 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 26 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 28 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 28-100 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 32 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 38 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 46 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 50-100 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 60 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 64 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 68 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 70 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 74 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 80 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 98 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 100 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 104 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 106 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 110 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 120 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: advice boat, schooner
water transport: fighting vessel: armed boat
water transport: fighting vessel: battery, floating
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, turret (1st class: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: boat, 14-40ft
water transport: fighting vessel: bomb
water transport: fighting vessel: brig
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (Russian)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig, gun
water transport: fighting vessel: brig, mortar
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette (French)
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter (65 ton) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter (81 ton) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter (French)
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter, armed
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter ?
water transport: fighting vessel: double boat
water transport: fighting vessel: flat bottom boat
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate ?
water transport: fighting vessel: galley, row
water transport: fighting vessel: guardship
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (Danish)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (French)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunvessel
water transport: fighting vessel: ketch
water transport: fighting vessel: launch, armed
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger, gun (French)
water transport: fighting vessel: mortar boat (Spanish)
water transport: fighting vessel: mortar vessel
water transport: fighting vessel: pinnace, armed
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (French)
water transport: fighting vessel: schooner
water transport: fighting vessel: ship of the line
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop (Bermudan)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 12 gun
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 14 gun
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 14 gun (French)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 16 gun
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 18 gun
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, brig
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, flush deck
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine
water transport: fighting vessel: torpedo boat, motor
water transport: fishing vessel: buss
water transport: motor vessel
water transport: passenger/cargo vessel
water transport: passenger vessel
water transport: passenger vessel: emigrant ship
water transport: passenger vessel: troopship
water transport: recreation vessel: yacht
water transport: research/exploration vessel: discovery vessel
water transport: sailing vessel
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner
water transport: sailing vessel: ship
water transport: service vessel
water transport: service vessel: arctic boat
water transport: service vessel: ballast boat
water transport: service vessel: barge
water transport: service vessel: barge (30ft)
water transport: service vessel: barge (32ft)
water transport: service vessel: barge (34ft)
water transport: service vessel: barge (35ft)
water transport: service vessel: barge (36ft)
water transport: service vessel: barge (40ft)
water transport: service vessel: barge, admiral's
water transport: service vessel: barge, armed (38ft)
water transport: service vessel: barge, chalk
water transport: service vessel: barge, coal
water transport: service vessel: barge, commissioner's
water transport: service vessel: barge, cutter (34ft)
water transport: service vessel: barge, hospital
water transport: service vessel: barge, mud
water transport: service vessel: barge, open
water transport: service vessel: barge, powder
water transport: service vessel: barge, sailing
water transport: service vessel: barge, sand
water transport: service vessel: boat
water transport: service vessel: boat (30ft)
water transport: service vessel: brig, packet
water transport: service vessel: buoy boat
water transport: service vessel: chain boat
water transport: service vessel: coastguard boat
water transport: service vessel: coastguard boat (18ft)
water transport: service vessel: cruiser, revenue
water transport: service vessel: cutter (16ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (18ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (20ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (22ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (23ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (24ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (25ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (26ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (27ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (28ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (30ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (32ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter (33ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter, coastguard
water transport: service vessel: cutter, life (28ft)
water transport: service vessel: cutter, revenue
water transport: service vessel: fireship
water transport: service vessel: galley (32ft)
water transport: service vessel: hoy
water transport: service vessel: hoy, transport
water transport: service vessel: hoy, victualling
water transport: service vessel: hoy ?
water transport: service vessel: launch
water transport: service vessel: lifeboat, cutter (25ft)
water transport: service vessel: lifeboat, cutter (28ft)
water transport: service vessel: lighter
water transport: service vessel: lighter, ballast
water transport: service vessel: lighter, chain
water transport: service vessel: lighter, dredging
water transport: service vessel: lighter, mooring
water transport: service vessel: lighter, sailing
water transport: service vessel: lighter, sailing & mooring
water transport: service vessel: light vessel
water transport: service vessel: longboat
water transport: service vessel: pinnace (28ft)
water transport: service vessel: pinnace (30ft)
water transport: service vessel: pinnace (32ft)
water transport: service vessel: pinnace (38ft)
water transport: service vessel: punt (30 ton)
water transport: service vessel: punt, coppering
water transport: service vessel: schooner, packet (Danish)
water transport: service vessel: stone carrier
water transport: service vessel: storeship
water transport: service vessel: support craft, dockyard
water transport: service vessel: tank vessel
water transport: service vessel: tender
water transport: service vessel: tender, cutter
water transport: service vessel: transport
water transport: service vessel: troopboat (38ft)
water transport: service vessel: tug
water transport: service vessel: water vessel
water transport: service vessel: whaleboat (24ft)
water transport: service vessel: wherry
water transport: service vessel: yawl (19ft)
water transport: service vessel: yawl (22ft)
water transport: service vessel: yawl (25ft)
water transport: service vessel: yawl (26ft)
water transport: steam & sailing vessel, single screw
water transport: steam & sailing vessel, single screw: schooner
water transport: steam vessel, paddle
water transport: steam vessel: cutter, 28ft life
water transport: steam vessel: pinnace, 30ft
water transport: unknown function: cutter
water transport: yacht, cutter
water transport accessory: topsail, fore
Waxed paper negative
Zulu boat Rosebank BF830 at Cullen