We have a rich and diverse range of SEND sessions at the National Maritime Museum, Cutty Sark, The Prince Philip Maritime Collection Centre and the Royal Observatory. Browse our list of sessions below.

SEND sessions at all our sites are designed specifically for SEND learners.

Book an onsite school session

You are welcome to make a self-guided visit to our sites.  Please see our Self-guided school visits page for more information.

Self-guided school visits

Onsite SEND school sessions 2024-25

Expand each title for more information

National Maritime Museum: Sensory Seas
Location: National Maritime Museum
SEND Stage

Pre-key stage/ SLD/ MLD/ PMLD/ ASC/ EBD

sensory and physical learning/

Communication and interaction skills

Curriculum links:  

Drama, Geography, History,

Literacy, Science, Communication 

Session times:  

Wednesday Flexible times


10 pupils per session



Use song, rhyme and multisensory learning to discover what life is like as an explorer on the high seas. Join in a rich sensory story set on a voyage of exploration from the islands of the South Pacific to the frozen tundra of the Arctic Circle. Please let us know in advance what level your learners are working at and our skilled facilitators will tailor the session for their needs. 

Pupils will: 

  • develop their social and communication skills.  

  • explore and respond to different stimuli in a new environment. 

  • take part in song, rhyme, role play and sensory learning. 

National Maritime Museum: Learning, Living and Working (3 session course)
Location: National Maritime Museum
SEND stage

Entry Level 1 and Entry Level 2

Curriculum links:  

Careers, Citizenship, History 

Session times:  

Three consecutive Wednesdays 

Flexible timings 


10 pupils per session

Price: £90 (for whole course)

This three-part programme is designed to enrich life skills for SEND learners aged 16+. Visit the Museum three times over three weeks, to explore it as a place for learning, living and working. During the course, each learner will receive a skills book to record the entry level skills they develop and demonstrate. At the end of the course each learner will receive both their skills book and certificate of participation as a record of their achievements. 

After completing this course teachers can enquire about further work experience and volunteering opportunities at RMG for learners with SEND. 

Pupils will: 

  • Gain skills and knowledge in the area of employability 

  • Learn what a museum is for and who works there. 

  • Understand the social etiquette of a workplace. 

  • Develop communication skills through voicing preference and opinions. 

  • Explore Museum objects to develop basic enquiry skills. 

  • Identify the skills they have demonstrated relevant for Entry level 1 and 2. 

Cutty Sark: Life on board
Location Cutty Sark
SEND stage

Adaptable for students following pre-formal, semi-formal or formal curriculums (SLD, MLD, ASC, SLCN)

Skills focus:  

Experiential, Communication, Social and Cognitive

Session times:  

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Flexible timings

Capacity: up to 15 pupils per session (maximum of 3 wheelchair users)
Price: Free

Come and join us on board! We will explore the ship and it's objects, sing some songs and roleplay life on the high seas! 

Our learning outcomes are: 

  • Understand that the ship carried different cargo around the world 
  • Acquire new vocabulary related to the ship and its history 
  • Develop communication and social skills 
  • Have fun 
  • Be inspired to explore the collection further 
  • Appreciate the importance of working as a crew 
  • understand who sailed on the ship 
  • Respond to the activity 


Royal Observatory: Aurora Day SEND sessions
Location:      Royal Observatory
Key stage:

     Key stage 2 / Key stage 3

Curriculum links:  

     Astronomy, solar system

Session times:  

     Aurora Days run once a half term      (10:30/11:30/12:45/13:45)

Capacity:      10 pupils per session 
Price:      £30 workshop, £30 planetarium show      (20% discount when both are booked)

Find all you need to know here: 

Aurora Days - SEND sessions at the Royal Observatory

The Prince Phillip Maritime Collection Centre: Materials that matter
Location The Prince Philip Maritime Collection Centre
SEND stage

Pre-key stage, SLD, MLD, PMLD, ASC, EBD sensory and physical learning, Communication and interaction skills

Curriculum links:  

Personal development, Science, Understanding the world

Session times:  

Tuesday and Wednesday Flexible times 

Capacity: 10 pupils per session (3 wheelchair users)
Price: Free

Have you ever wondered how the Museum cares and looks after all the special objects within the collection? Become a conservator, explore objects made from varied materials and experience ways to look after your own special collections.

Pupils will:

•Show awareness of different materials and their properties

•Develop communication skills through expressing preference and opinions

•Develop an understanding of how to store and care for our own possessions.