
Essential Information

Type Family fun
Date and Times Once a month on Saturdays | 11am-12.30pm
Prices Free | Pre-booking required

Disabled children, children with additional needs and their families are invited to a monthly session at the National Maritime Museum led by disabled creatives.

Explore the Museum's collections, enjoy the opportunity to be creative together as a family, and meet other local families. 

Sessions are led by disabled creatives and will respond to the needs of the families participating. With a flexible approach and a team to support your family, we hope the entire family will enjoy their time at the Museum!  

Sessions are tailored to children under 13 years.

Come as you are, stay as long as you'd like.

Tickets: Free, pre-booking required 

Please note, if no tickets are showing then the session is fully booked. Tickets are released one month before the session.

Location: Learning Space, National Maritime Museum.

Please note the January 2025 session is later in the month than usual due to faciliator availability.

Upcoming dates
DateTickets on sale
25 January14 December
8 February25 January
15 March8 February
12 April15 March
10 May12 April
14 June10 May
19 July14 June
9 August19 July
13 September9 August
11 October13 September
8 November11 October
13 December8 November

Please check back for more dates and please note some dates may change nearer the time. 

Information for visitors

  • These sessions are designed for the whole family to attend. We welcome siblings under 13 years old without SEND, and the sessions will ensure everyone in the family can participate through activities that allow families to work together to get creative. 
  • Sessions are relaxed and we understand children may need to leave the room at any time. Adults must accompany children to the sessions and remain with them if the child/ren leave the room. Staff and volunteers cannot be responsible for participants. 
  • A breakout space is provided.
  • You can download a visual guide for the session here: 
  • The Museum has a Changing Places facility. 
  • For more information on the sessions, email families@rmg.co.uk.

Booking your space:

  • Tickets are available 4 weeks before the session. These sessions currently occur once a month. Keep an eye on this page for the announcements of upcoming dates. 
  • As part of the booking process we will ask about any needs your child/ren has. This helps the facilitator to develop activities that will engage your child and family and be suited to their interests and access requirements. This information is not shared beyond the SENsory Sailors team.
  • Ticket sales will end at 4pm on the Friday before the session. 
  • Your ticket includes entry to the National Maritime Museum. 

Our facilities include:

  • Limited on-site parking - contact bookings@rmg.co.uk in advance for more information
  • Wheelchair access
  • Level access to the Group Space
  • Electric doors
  • Mix of seating (chairs with or without arms, benches, mats, small beanbags)
  • SEND-friendly activities
  • Specialist facilitators  
  • Opportunities to meet other local families
  • Visual guide and sensory maps for the National Maritime Museum are available via the Museum's access page.


If you are unable to attend, please let our team know as soon as possible so that your space can be made available to another family. Email: families@rmg.co.uk.

Meet our facilitators: Lynn

Since 2003 I have designed and conducted creative arts workshops. I have developed a sensitive, improvisational style working with an extraordinary array of people in diverse settings. I have a profound commitment to the power of art and conversation to allow us to learn and understand more about ourselves, others, and our environment and an intuitive talent for creating spaces to share and learn.

I am neurodiverse myself and parent to a neurodiverse young child so I bring those experiences and positives to my work with SENsory sailors. I can't wait to meet you and get creative!

An image for 'Meet our facilitators: Lynn'

Meet our facilitators: Aaron

Aaron Oliver is a neurodivergent storyteller and workshop facilitator who specialises in sensory play and art and crafts.

Aaron is passionate about creating inclusive and accessible experiences that foster creativity, connection and imagination for people of all ages and abilities.

An image for 'Meet our facilitators: Aaron'

What’s On

Sensory Sailors
Family fun

SENsory Sailors

Come along and enjoy this brand new sensory play session for children under 13 years with special educational needs
Once a month on Saturdays | 11am-12.30pm
Free | Pre-booking required
National Maritime Museum
Adults and children enjoying a storytelling session.
Family fun

Play Tuesdays

Bring your under 5 on a different adventure every week! Explore the Museum together through song, dance and stories
Term time Tuesdays | 10.30am, 11.30am, 1.00pm, 2.00pm
£4 per child and accompanying adult | Under 6 months free
National Maritime Museum
Image of a small proportion of the Sun, which is lit up in golden yellow at the surface and moves to darker colours away from the surface. A golden plume of a coronal mass ejection is coming out of the Sun and flowing parallel to it.

Astronomy Photographer of the Year exhibition

See the world's greatest space photography at the National Maritime Museum
Open daily until summer 2025 | 10am-5pm
National Maritime Museum
A man dressed in period sailor costume leads a tour of the National Maritime Museum, with kids and parents following behind
Talks and tours

Character Encounters at the National Maritime Museum

Visit the National Maritime Museum every Saturday to discover a different character from history with their own fascinating story to tell
Every Saturday
National Maritime Museum
Close-up shot of a person's hands as they use a felt-tip pen to draw an intricate pattern on a small piece of wood

Saturday Art Club

Join the weekly creative drop-in for young people aged 13-16 during term time at the National Maritime Museum
Saturdays from October 2024 - April 2025 | 10am-1pm
National Maritime Museum
A group of four with adults and children participating in a craft.
Family fun

Safe Harbour

Safe Harbour is a series of free workshops created to provide a safe space for foster and adoptive families with children under 13 years
Monthly: Next date 29 March | 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Ticketed | Free
National Maritime Museum
Painting of Queen Amina holding a staff against a backdrop of colourful triangles
Events and festivals | Women's History Month

Women's History Month 2025

Celebrate the knowledge and achievements of pioneering women
Throughout March 2025
Free Entry
National Maritime Museum
photo of hands holding a jar of herbs and spoon
Workshops | Women's History Month

Sips of Wisdom

Celebrate the knowledge of African Caribbean herbs for women’s health and create your own design on a cup and saucer to take home in this workshop for Women's History Month.
Saturday 22 March 2025 | 11.30am-1.30pm - sold out
£7 Adults | £5 Members
National Maritime Museum
The gold hilt of a sword against a dark fabric background. The outline of a human skull has been digitally superimposed on to the right side of the hilt, creating an unsettling central motif
Talks and tours | Member events

Members' Preview: Pirates

Be amongst the first to see the National Maritime Museum's brand new exhibition
Friday 28 March 2025 | 6.30pm-9pm l SOLD OUT
Free for Members – booking required
National Maritime Museum
The gold hilt of a sword against a dark fabric background. The outline of a human skull has been digitally superimposed on to the right side of the hilt, creating an unsettling central motif


Explore the myth, discover the truth: book tickets for a major new exhibition coming to the National Maritime Museum in March 2025
29 March 2025 – 4 January 2026
Adult: £15 | Student: £11.25 | Child: £7.50
National Maritime Museum
Star trails stretching above metal columns
Talks and tours | Member events

Flamsteed Lecture: Fantastic Binaries and How to Find Them

Did you know astronomers estimate that between a third and a half of all stars are in binaries? Join Dr Ingrid Pelisoli and discover more
Monday 14 April 2025 l 7:15pm
Flamsteed Members: FREE | Guests of Flamsteed Members: £15 | Royal Museums Greenwich Members: £12
National Maritime Museum
A child holds her mother's arm as they both peer curiously at a small crab held in front of them
Events and festivals

World Ocean Day

A family-friendly celebration of our ocean at the National Maritime Museum
Saturday 7 June 2025
National Maritime Museum