Women in history who studied botany

Botany is the study of plants. From Jeanne Baret, who disguised herself as a man to explore the world, to Queen Charlotte who studied botany and botanical illustration, to Henrietta Clive, who organised her own collections in India, these women looked closely at their surroundings and shared their findings with others.  Now it’s your turn!  

(Source of different types of leaves picture)

What is a specimen? 

A specimen is a single example of a plant, animal or mineral.  It is often used for scientific study or display.  

In this activity, you will collect specimens from your neighbourhood and turn them into a book. Go for a walk and collect leaves from different plants. They can be all different shapes and sizes. 

You can also do this in your garden, at the park, or near your school.  Think about where you collect your specimens, if they come from a tree, bush or plant, and if you know any of their names. 

(Source of celery, leek, carrot, mushroom, potato, broccoli picture)

What will you need

- 1 sheet of A4 paper – any paper will do, thicker paper is a bit better!

- Pencil

- Scissors

- Stamp pad

- Scrap paper to make a mess


Step 1: Make your specimen book

Fold a sheet of paper into eighths.

Use scissors to cut along the long fold.

You now have a specimen book with 8 pages!

An image for 'Step 1: Make your specimen book'

Step 2:  Print your specimens

Press your leaves into the stamp pad, and print them onto the pages of your book. 

TOP TIP:  Place your leaves on a piece of scrap paper.  Turn the stamp pad upside down, and press the ink onto the leaves! 


An image for 'Step 2:  Print your specimens'

Step 3: Describe your discovery

Once all your prints are dry, use pencils, pens and markers to write about each specimen.

You can describe where it was found, high or low, in a tree, bush, or field, what it was near.  If you know the name of the plant, you can write that down, too. 

An image for 'Step 3: Describe your discovery'

Did you know?

You can make a plant specimen book without leaving your home! 
Here is an example of a plant specimen book made with vegetables from the fridge.  Ask a grown up to help with any chopping or slicing. 

(Source of celery, leek, carrot, mushroom, potato, broccoli picture) (Source of celery, leek, carrot, mushroom, potato, broccoli prints on white paperpicture)



Make as many Botanical Specimen Books as you like and share them with us!