When we talk about pirates, we often are thinking about the 'Golden Age of Piracy'. This period was in the 17th and 18th centuries, when there were more than 5000 pirates at sea. 

Pirates were people who had, for many reasons, turned to a life of crime at sea. They attacked ships and even coastal towns and villages, in search of valuable items. It wasn't just gold and silver though! Pirates were often on the hunt for medicine, food and equipment for their ships!

We often think of pirates as daring people who swooped on treasure ships and returned home with golden cargoes, and tales of swashbuckling adventures.

Listen along to Storyteller Dani, as she tells us a story about pirates, inspired by the Tudor and Stuart Seafarers gallery at the National Maritime Museum.

Discover more!

Let us hear your 'Arghhhh!' 

Do you feel like a pirate now? 

Why not discover more about piracy by listening along to Alice the pirate, one of the characters you can meet at the National Maritime Museum.