Ticketed event, Free

Essential Information

Type Conferences
Date and Times Friday 12th May | 9:30am - 16:30pm
Prices Free, Booking Required


***Update: due to the rail strike, the conference programme has undergone various changes and for technical reasons, the livestream will be finishing earlier than planned in the afternoon. Please feel free to dial in later to the evening session with the link here: visit https://www.rmg.co.uk/whats-on/lecture-theatre/inked-drawn-cultural-enc…; ****

'Inked Up, Marked Out' is a symposium devoted to facilitating a vibrant, inclusive and interdisciplinary discussion around tattooing. This one-day symposium is focused on bringing together academic researchers and other interested parties working on, or researching in, the area of tattoos, tattooing practice, tattooed communities and tattoos/wellbeing. It will offer insights on using tattooing as a means of exploring the themes of identity and self-expression through the use of mark making on the body. 


The event is suitable to anyone with an academic interest in tattooing. Tickets are free, but places need to be reserved. Once you have reserved your place, we will be in touch by email with further details of the day. 

Book Here 

For those who are unable to attend in person the symposium will be available to watch via webcast. The link to join will go live at 10:00am on 12th May and can be found below: 

Link to the Livestream 




10:00am - 10:45am 

Key note speaker: Matt Lodder ‘"A Medium, not a Phenomenon": Further thoughts on Methodological Approaches to Tattoo History’.

In 2022, Matt's essay “‘A Medium, Not a Phenomenon: An Argument for an Art-Historical Approach to Western Tattooing” was published in James Martell and Erik Larsen’s book Tattooed Bodies. This talk will summarise the arguments of that chapter, which lays out both a broad critique of what he considers to be the flaws and limits of much modern and historic tattoo scholarship, as well as an outline sketch of a methodological approach which he think can mitigate them. He will argue that much tattoo scholarship is worryingly untethered from historical research, and that it tends to reduce tattooing to its phenomenal features in a way that has led to innumerable and persistent errors in the literature. In addition, he will go beyond that chapter to present more recent reflections on the methodological state of tattoo scholarship more broadly, drawing upon research for his recent book Painted People.

10:45am – 11:45am

Tia Price ‘Tattoos as Identity Construction within True Crime Dark Fandom’. Tia’s paper uses three case studies to explore the ethically complex phenomenon of true crime dark fandom.

Lucy Snelson ‘The Female Tattooed Body in the Caring Professions’. Lucy’s paper considers the ways in which tattooing can be considered as a creative “working through”, distinct from an aggressive “acting out”.

Katie Tonkiss ‘Two Little Hearts on my Wrist: Dialogues on Tattooing, Infertility, and Potentially Good Mothers’. Kate’s paper explores the role of tattooing practices in how women with experience of infertility navigate the pronatalist ‘motherhood mandate’ which dictates their value in relation to successful childbearing.

11:45am – 12:00pm


12:00pm – 1:15pm (Online papers)

Swati Jaywant Rao Bute ‘Semiotic representation is inextricably linked to both ancient tribal times and modern Indian culture’. Swati’s study will be a semiotic analysis of tattooing as an art form and will discuss the historical significance of tattooing in the tribal communities of Madhya Pradesh, India.

Kabiru Babatunde Amusa ‘Body Tattoo and Spatial Identification in Oyo: Prospects and Limitations’. Kabiru’s study expands the scholarship on the tradition of spatial identification among the Yoruba – the most prominent ethnic nationality in southwestern Nigeria.

Jenn Todaro ’Variation and Signification in the Meroititic Tattoos of Aksha’. This study explores the variation and signification of ancient Nubian tattoo motifs from the Meroitic cemetery at Aksha.

Sarah Gamble ‘‘A Vampire and a Nasty Cat’: Recovering the Story of Jessie Knight’. Sarah’s paper will explore the life and career of Jessie Knight, often termed ‘Britain’s first female tattoo artist’ and argue that she is a significant figure in British tattooing history, and influential in the development of tattooing as a widespread cultural phenomenon.

1:15pm – 2.00pm


2.00pm - 3.00pm

Key Note Speaker: Tom Crawford ‘Tattooed Academics’. Tom will be speaking about his experiences as a tattooed academic and introducing the ‘Tattooed Academics’ photographic projects and giving a presentation..

(TBC) Te Rangitu Netana

3.00pm - 5.00pm - Between these times delegates will be able to choose from tours, poster displays and talks. The timings of the below talks will be included on the programmes handed out on the day. 

Lecture Theatre

Melanie Stockton-Brown ‘AI-created Tattoo Designs’. Melanie’s video presentation depicts the process of using an AI tool to design a tattoo for herself, taking it to a tattoo artist and understanding their views on tattooing this design/ using it as a reference, and then of being tattooed with the design, revealing much about how the intellectual property law/issues of ownership intersect with tattooing.

Richard Sawdon Smith Tattoo Virus: The Anatomical Man, AIDS, and Photographic Representation’. Richard’s artist talk presents various bodies of his own autoethnographic/autobiographical visual work under the theme/persona of The Anatomical Man (2009-2018), which explores the AIDS body as a site of contest where the skin has been tattooed (a process that draws blood) with medical illustrations depicting veins and arteries, simultaneously collapsing the internal and external together on the surface of the skin.

Christopher McHugh ‘Exploring Tattooing and Commemorative Practices Amongst Soldiers and Veterans’. Research with British soldiers and veterans shows that tattoos play a role in expressions of group and individual identity, often being used to mark rites of passage or express messages of friendship, love and affection.

Charlie Gregson Reframing Convict Tattoo Collections: the Comic as Alternative Archive’. Tattoos can be considered as deeply personal archives. Historically, they have been used for state surveillance, with drawing, descriptions and photographs often taken without consent to monitor prisoners during and after their sentences. This paper considers the potential of the comic as an alternative starting point for tattoo archives by examining the tattoo as a central theme throughout Paco: Les Mains Rouges, a beautiful series of sepia-toned, graphic novels set in French Guiana penal colonies.

Charlotte Creux ‘Geographical Meanings and Tattoos: Spatial Identities on Tattooed Skins’. This talk explores what it means to “be tattooed” and how across discourses produced from their tattoo, it is possible to reflect on the spatial relations, but also social, that tattooed people operate with the places where the tattoo was made, but also with the places that the tattoo can evoke.

Exhibition Space - Poster Displays

Sarah Weston ‘Swallows and Anchors - Royal Navy men and their bodies as an archive of self-expression’. Tattooing has a long and abiding association with seamen. Having undertaken a comprehensive study of the entire crew of HMS Invincible, Sarah has recorded the tattoos of each and every sailor and, in doing so, has uncovered a world of complex and unexpected imagery. Her poster will outline these discoveries, the strange and unusual images seamen chose to inscribe on their bodies and the social networks and ideas of the self that they express.

Julia P. Amigo 'Tattooing in post-Franco Spain'. The late appearance of body modification practices in the 1980s in the Spanish context needs to be articulated with the repressive political context during Francoism (1939-1975) in mind. In this poster, I will present some results arising from my ethnographic research into Spanish tattoo culture. The narratives presented problematise standard conceptions of contemporary western tattooing, particularly as the specific contours of Spanish tattoo history do not fit neatly into conventional historiographies. More broadly, from this qualitative feminist approach to the Spanish context, this poster will demonstrate the more generally-applicable claim that tattooing must be analysed with particular sensitivity to the socio-political, historical and artistic environment in which it takes place.

Amy O'Keeffe ‘Tramp Stamp: The Gendered Reception of Tattooed Women in the Archaeological Record’. This poster addresses the lingering attitude towards viewing tattooed bodies based upon the gender, race, and presumed class of the tattooed individual and looks at how we can view and represent tattooed bodies from antiquity more evenly.

5:00pm - 5:20pm

Closing remarks

Maria MacLennan

Reflecting upon her own experiences working across policing, government, and academia; Maria will discuss how being a heavily tattooed, (relatively!) young woman has both helped and hindered her progress in becoming the world’s first ‘Forensic Jeweller’.

She will discuss some of own research into how the decoration and adornment of the body can be used to help communicate and interpret identity – both willingly and unwillingly – in the scientific process of forensic human identification: from tattoos and piercings to accessories and modifications.

The symposium will be followed by a public talk and reception beginning at 6:00pm. For more information, and details of how to book this session, please visit https://www.rmg.co.uk/whats-on/lecture-theatre/inked-drawn-cultural-enc…;

This event is supported by Royal Holloway, University of London: Humanities & Arts Research Institute 

Humanities & Arts Research Institute Jpeg

What’s On

Images of constellations, the Moon, Mars, a comet and the Andromeda galaxy
Planetarium shows

The Sky Tonight

A classic guide to the night sky presented live by a Royal Observatory Greenwich astronomer
Daily except Thursdays
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
Illustration of Ted in a spacesuit in front of the Moon.
Planetarium shows

Ted's Space Adventure

Join Ted the bear on an adventure around the Solar System in this special live planetarium show for under-7s - perfect for little astronauts everywhere!
Weekends and school holidays
Adults £12 | Child £6 | Student & Under 25: £8
Royal Observatory
A family enjoy looking through a telescope during a science demonstration at the Royal Observatory

Observatory Unlocked

Drop by and chat with our Royal Observatory Explainers as they bring science and astronomy to life
Saturdays and Sundays
Included with Royal Observatory admission
Royal Observatory
A red, yellow, pink and blue gas clouds behind images of Saturn and the Earth. Over the top of this are white, glowing sound waves and music notes.
Planetarium shows

Audio Universe: Tour of the Solar System

Experience the Solar System like never before - by travelling on a spacecraft that can turn the objects in space into sound!
Weekends and school holidays
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
Family engaging coding workshop

Coder Dojo

Be inspired by the collection and create computer programmes, animation, art and electronic experiments in response
First Saturday of the month (unless stated otherwise below)
Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
A fish-eye view of Earth taken from a satellite. Yellow and orange desert is visible along with deep blue ocean and wispy clouds

Earth From Space

See the world through a satellite’s lens, and explore our changing planet at the Royal Observatory Greenwich
Open daily | 10am-5pm
Free for Planetarium show ticketholders and Royal Observatory visitors
Royal Observatory
A mum and her child watch on as a group of sea shanty singers perform at historic ship Cutty Sark
Family fun

Sea shanty singers

Join our resident sea shanty groups at Cutty Sark on the first weekend of every month as they sing traditional maritime songs
First weekend of every month
Included with entry to Cutty Sark: £20 Adult | £10 Child
Cutty Sark
Man and woman looking at gingerbread on cutty sark
Talks and tours

Shipkeeping in action

This is your chance to meet the team who care for and conserve Cutty Sark
Every Wednesday | 11am-3pm | Drop-in
Free for Cutty Sark ticket holders
Cutty Sark
A member of the conservation team shows a tour group a globe
Talks and tours

Behind the scenes tours at The Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre

Explore the inner workings of Royal Museums Greenwich and see conservation in action on one of our guided tours
Second and fourth Thursday of every month (see page for details) | 1.30pm
Adults: £16 | Members: £12
Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
Two young children pull on ropes that act as part of the rigging for historic ship Cutty Sark
Family fun

Ship Mates

Hop aboard Cutty Sark for sensory sessions for under 5s!
Term-time Wednesdays | 10.30am, 12.00pm & 1.30pm
£5 per adult, under 5s free
Cutty Sark
Inside Royal Museums Greenwich collections centre - rows of objects including two ships figureheads
Talks and tours

Saturday Super Store Tours

Come behind the scenes and explore the stores at the Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
First Saturday of every month at 1.30pm
Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
Sensory Sailors
Family fun

SENsory Sailors

Come along and enjoy this brand new sensory play session for children under 13 years with special educational needs
Once a month on Saturdays | 11am-12.30pm
Free | Pre-booking required
National Maritime Museum
Family fun

Play Tuesdays

Bring your under 5 on a different adventure every week! Explore the Museum together through song, dance and stories
Term time Tuesdays | 10.30am, 11.30am, 1.00pm, 2.00pm
£4 per child and accompanying adult | Under 6 months free
National Maritime Museum
Social club hold colourful lights
Family fun

SENsory Social Club

Join the weekly online club for adults and young people with SEND
Friday during term time | 11am (Online session) or 1pm (Onsite session)
Pay what you can
Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
Image of a small proportion of the Sun, which is lit up in golden yellow at the surface and moves to darker colours away from the surface. A golden plume of a coronal mass ejection is coming out of the Sun and flowing parallel to it.

Astronomy Photographer of the Year exhibition

See the world's greatest space photography at the National Maritime Museum
Open daily until summer 2025 | 10am-5pm
National Maritime Museum
A man dressed in period sailor costume leads a tour of the National Maritime Museum, with kids and parents following behind
Talks and tours

Character Encounters at the National Maritime Museum

Visit the National Maritime Museum every Saturday to discover a different character from history with their own fascinating story to tell
Every Saturday
National Maritime Museum
Close-up shot of a person's hands as they use a felt-tip pen to draw an intricate pattern on a small piece of wood

Saturday Art Club

Join the weekly creative drop-in for young people aged 13-16 during term time at the National Maritime Museum
Saturdays from October 2024 - April 2025 | 10am-1pm
National Maritime Museum
A group of four with adults and children participating in a craft.
Family fun

Safe Harbour

Safe Harbour is a series of free workshops created to provide a safe space for foster and adoptive families with children under 13 years
Monthly: Next date 22 February | 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Ticketed | Free
National Maritime Museum
Drone view of the historic Royal Observatory buildings during the day. Trees surround a central group of brick buildings, with the distinctive 'Onion Dome' of the Great Equatorial Telescope in the centre
Events and festivals

350 years of Royal Observatory Greenwich

Celebrate the anniversary of one of the most important scientific sites in the world
Throughout 2025
See page for details
Royal Observatory
James Robson the cook, one of the characters you can meet on board Cutty Sark. He wears a flat cap and red scarf, and is pointing at the ship's rigging
Family fun

Cutty Sark Characters

Meet colourful characters from Cutty Sark’s past and hear astonishing stories about life at sea in the age of sail
Weekends and Fri-Mon in school holidays
Included with entry to Cutty Sark
Cutty Sark
Talks and tours | Member events

Members' Tour

Embark on a voyage of discovery around the Museum in the company of one of our volunteer guides
Various dates | 11am - 12pm l SOLD OUT
Free for Members | Booking essential
In Greenwich
The Queen's House in Greenwich lit up with rainbow lights to mark LGBTQ+ History Month
Events and festivals

LGBTQ+ History Month

Join us in Greenwich this February for a spectacular series of events celebrating queer histories, cultures and communities
Throughout February 2025
Free Entry
In Greenwich
Images of different coloured stars, a nebula, a supernova and a blackhole
Planetarium shows


Discover the birth, life and death of a star presented live by a Royal Observatory Greenwich astronomer
Weekends and school holidays in February
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
A child takes part in a family craft activity during Out at Sea, an LGBTQ+ History Month event at the National Maritime Museum (T0892-023)
Family fun | LGBTQ+

February half term at the National Maritime Museum

Join us for Out at Sea, a series of family activities and performances inspired by LGBTQ+ History Month!
15 - 23 February 2025 | 11am-4pm
National Maritime Museum
Child at the Cutty Sark wheel
Family fun | LGBTQ+

February half term at Cutty Sark

Join us for Out at Sea, a series of family activities and performances inspired by LGBTQ+ History Month!
15-23 February 2025
Free with entry to the ship
Cutty Sark
A group of singers performing. The group are wearing red, orange and yellow t-shirts
Family fun | LGBTQ+

February half term at the Queen's House

Find fun for all the family at the Queen's House this February as part of LGBTQ+ History Month's Out at Sea festival
15-23 February 2025 | See page for details
Queen's House
A drag performer with brightly coloured wig and nautical inspired dress reads from a picture book
Family fun | LGBTQ+

Out at Sea

Visit the National Maritime Museum, Queen's House and Cutty Sark this February half term for a week-long festival of LGBTQ+ history!
15-23 February 2025
In Greenwich
The new crescent Moon alongside an antique qibla compass.
Planetarium shows | Community astronomy

Astronomy and Islam

Join us for a special show featuring the New Crescent Moon and historic Islamic astronomy
Select Saturdays and Sundays | 10.30am
£10 Adult | £5 Child
Royal Observatory
Courses | Astronomy courses

Life in the Universe

Are we alone in the Universe? Join this online adult course for an introduction to astrobiology and an exploration of how astronomers search for alien life
Six-week course held on Monday evenings starting 24 February 2025
Map from atlas published on Sir Francis Drake’s West Indian voyage, 1585-6
Talks and tours | Maritime History and Culture Seminars

Tracks on the ocean: maritime history and the origins of cartographical lines of movement

Join us for a free online talk exploring why journeys are represented as lines on maps
Tuesday 25 February 2025 | 5.15pm-6.30pm
Silhouetted image of woman with camera against a dark sky
Courses | Astronomy courses

Introduction to Astrophotography

Learn how to take images of the night sky in the Royal Observatory Greenwich's online introductory astrophotography course
Six-week course held on Tuesday evenings from 25 February
A man leans in to a telescope eyepiece during an evening astronomy event
Courses | Astronomy courses

Amateur Astronomy For Beginners

A course for those looking to make astronomy into a hobby
Six-week course held on Tuesday evenings starting 25 February 2025
£96 - sold out
Royal Observatory
Trinity Laban Concert in the Queen's House Great Hall
Events and festivals

Lunchtime Concerts at the Queen's House

Enjoy musical performances in the Queen's House given by students from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance 
Select weekdays (see page for details) | 1pm-2pm
Free, drop in
Queen's House
Picture of a ship model
Talks and tours | Maritime History and Culture Seminars

Shadows on the Atlantic: curating new perspectives on colonial maritime history

Join us for a free online talk exploring the creation of the new ‘Shadows on the Atlantic’ gallery at the Dutch National Maritime Museum
Wednesday 26 February 2025 | 5.15pm-6.30pm
Talks and tours | Member events

Titanic Legacy: The Captain, The Daughter and The Spy

Join author Dan E. Parkes as he discusses the untold story of Titanic Captain E.J. Smith and his only daughter Mel.
Wednesday 26 February 2025 l 6.30pm-7.30pm l SOLD OUT
Free for Members
Queen's House
Photo of the Andromeda Galaxy - a dark black sky sprinkled with stars
Talks and tours | Observatory lectures

Think Space Lectures

Listen to astrophysicists from across the UK talk about cutting-edge research in space science with our free online lectures.
Monthly, see page for details
A member of the RMG team informing a tour group about painting conservation.
Talks and tours | Museum Lates

Delve Deeper: Specialist tours

Delve deeper into Royal Museums Greenwich's collection on our specialist tours of the Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre for over 18s.
Thursday 27 February 2025 | 7-8.30pm
£20 Adults
Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
Black and white checkerboard floor of the Great Hall in the Queen's House
Events and festivals | Museum Lates

Evening Concerts at the Queen’s House with Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance

Join us for a night of chamber music performed by students from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
Thursday 27 February 2025 | 7.30pm
Adult: £16, Adult Members: £14, Child: £8, Child Members: £7.20
Queen's House
The new crescent Moon in the evening sky, surrounded by pinkish clouds and a darkening sky
Events and festivals | Royal Observatory 350th anniversary

Ramadan Moonsighting LIVE: 28 February 2025

Join Royal Observatory Greenwich for a special live astronomy session, as we watch for the new crescent Moon which signals the start of Ramadan in the UK
Friday 28 February 2025 | 5.45-6.30pm
Drag King and Queen Adam All and Apple Derrieres in luxurious period garb. A stylised image of the Queen's House with the Progress Pride flag superimposed on the front of the house is in the background
Events and festivals | Museum Lates

Fierce Queens: En Vogue

In celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month, the Queen's House is throwing open its doors for a fashion show like no other!
Friday 28 February 2025 | 7-11pm - sold out
Adults: £16 | Students and Members: £13 | Companions FREE
Queen's House
Painting of Queen Amina holding a staff against a backdrop of colourful triangles
Events and festivals | Women's History Month

Women's History Month 2025

Celebrate the knowledge and achievements of pioneering women
Throughout March 2025
Free Entry
National Maritime Museum
Conservator in action

Make, do and maintain

Join our community of makers at The Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
First Saturday of every month | 10.30am-12.30pm
Free (+£1 booking fee)
Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
A collage of different moons of the solar system; Triton, Enceladus, Phobos, Pandora, Ganymede, Iapetus and Mimas
Planetarium shows

Moons Beyond Counting

Learn more about our own Moon and some of the more exotic moons of the Solar System in this show narrated by our Royal Observatory astronomers
Weekends in March | 2.30pm
Adult £12 | Child £6 | Student & Under 25: £8
Royal Observatory
Meteor shower stretching over a lighthouse on a rocky promontory
Talks and tours | Member events

The Meteorite Hunters

Take a ride through the history and science of meteorites with science journalist Joshua Howgego.
Tuesday 4 March 2025 l 6.30pm-7.30pm
Free for Members
Queen's House
Events and festivals | Women's History Month

Women's History Month at the Queen's House

Discover about ordinary women ahead of their time, powerful queens and brilliant female artists on our series of tours and talks
Throughout March | See below for details
Free Entry
Queen's House
A colourful scan of the Moon behind a gold spacecraft on the Moon's surface. Next to these are two images of Hindu deities wearing gold and riding creatures. Above them is the word "Chandrayaan" in Sanskrit
Planetarium shows | Community astronomy

South Asian Astronomy: Holi Show

Celebrate the festival of colours by learning about South Asian connections to the objects we see in our night skies
Saturday 8 March 2025 | 10.30am
£10 Adult | £5 Child | Free Companion Tickets
Royal Observatory
Rendering of what the Extremely Large Telescope will look like at the top of a sandy coloured mountain
Talks and tours

Flamsteed Lecture: The Extremely Large Telescope: 'The Biggest Eye on the Sky’

Discover the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), the world’s most ambitious ground-based optical-infrared astronomical facility with Dr Ruben Sanchez-Janssen.
Monday 10 March 2025 | 7.15pm
Flamsteed Members: FREE | Guests of Flamsteed Members: £15 | Royal Museums Greenwich Members: £12
National Maritime Museum
An illustration of the sun's magnetic fields over an image captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory
Courses | Astronomy courses

Intermediate Astronomy

Acquire a rigorous scientific understanding of the Universe with the Royal Observatory Greenwich
10-week module held on Tuesday evenings starting 11 March 2025
£205 per module
Royal Observatory
Photo of the Andromeda Galaxy - a dark black sky sprinkled with stars
Courses | Astronomy courses

Foundation Astrophysics

A series of ten-week courses on more advanced topics in astrophysics
10-week module held on Tuesday evenings starting 11 March 2025
£200 per module
Royal Observatory
a photo of herbs, oils and flowers, in a basket, in jars and bottles
Workshops | Women's History Month

HERbal Health

Celebrate Women's History Month with an introductory workshop on the connection between women, plants and health throughout history and create your own aromatherapy spray.
Wednesday 12 March 2025 I 6pm-8pm
Adults: £7 | Members: £5
National Maritime Museum
A well-worn, dark green military uniform with silver and yellow detailing. The uniform is on a mannequin, and on the table behind it is a large hat and plume of feathers
Talks and tours | Member events

Charles Hare's Great Escape

Join Dr Katherine Gazzard as she tells the deeply personal and unique story of Charles Hare, whilst tracking his dangerous journey across Europe
Thursday 13 March 2025 | 2pm-3.30pm
Free for Members
National Maritime Museum
photo of hands holding a jar of herbs and spoon
Workshops | Women's History Month

Sips of Wisdom

Celebrate the knowledge of African Caribbean herbs for women’s health and create your own design on a cup and saucer to take home in this workshop for Women's History Month.
Saturday 22 March 2025 | 11.30am-1.30pm
£7 Adults | £5 Members
National Maritime Museum
Image of a tea service adorned with collages of Caribbean market women and plants
Talks and tours | Women's History Month

Bodily Autonomy: A right not an ideology

Join us for this talk as we explore the importance of bodily autonomy. From healthcare to reproductive rights, we take a look at the challenges and opportunities for women today.
Saturday 22 March 2025 | 2.45pm - 3.45pm
Queen's House
A black and white photo of HMS Kenya
Talks and tours | Maritime History and Culture Seminars

A Quality All of Their Own: Fiji class cruisers and the solution to the Royal Navy’s cruiser conundrum

Join us for a free online talk exploring the design diplomacy of the Royal Navy's Fiji class cruiser
Tuesday 25 March 2025 | 5.15pm-6.30pm
a historical photograph of stars the night sky in black and white
Talks and tours | Museum Lates

Pioneering Women in Observatories, 1880-1930

Discover more about the pioneering women who worked at observatories in the UK, US and Australia in the late 1800s, in this panel discussion and screening of the film Hidden Figures
Friday 28 March 2025 | 6.00-9:45pm
Adults: £10 | Students: £9
Royal Observatory
The gold hilt of a sword against a dark fabric background. The outline of a human skull has been digitally superimposed on to the right side of the hilt, creating an unsettling central motif
Talks and tours | Member events

Members' Preview: Pirates

Be amongst the first to see the National Maritime Museum's brand new exhibition
Friday 28 March 2025 | 6.30pm-9pm l SOLD OUT
Free for Members – booking required
National Maritime Museum
The gold hilt of a sword against a dark fabric background. The outline of a human skull has been digitally superimposed on to the right side of the hilt, creating an unsettling central motif


Explore the myth, discover the truth: book tickets for a major new exhibition coming to the National Maritime Museum in March 2025
29 March 2025 – 4 January 2026
Adult: £15 | Student: £11.25 | Child: £7.50
National Maritime Museum
Images of each planet in the solar system and the Sun
Planetarium shows

Meet the Neighbours

Tour the Solar System and beyond in style with this live, immersive show packed full of spectacular sights and fun facts
Weekends in April
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
Girls doing craft
Family fun | Member events

Members' crafting

Join us for exclusive craft workshops, just for Members.
Every other month | 11am-11.45am, 12.15pm-1pm, 1.30pm-2.15pm, 2.45pm-3.30pm
Free for Family Members – booking required
In Greenwich
A collection of multi coloured stars seen by the Hubble Space Telescope
Planetarium shows | Community astronomy

Morning Stars

Our more relaxed planetarium shows for those who prefer a calmer environment, such as people with ASD
7 and 11 April, 26 and 30 May, 2 and 16 August | 10.15-11.00am
£10 Adult | £5 Child | Free Companion tickets
Royal Observatory
Images of different coloured stars, a nebula, a supernova and a blackhole
Planetarium shows | Royal Observatory 350th anniversary

Starstruck: The Sun

Join us for a special solar twist on our popular show this Easter, presented live by an astronomer from the Royal Observatory Greenwich.
Holiday weekdays in April (except Thursdays) | 2.30pm
Adult: £12 | Child: £6 | Student: £8
Royal Observatory
A man looks through the Great Equatorial Telescope during a public astronomy evening at the Royal Observatory Greenwich
Courses | Astronomy courses

Introduction to Astrophysics

Explore topics at the cutting edge of scientific research and the limits of human knowledge
Six-week course held on Tuesday evenings beginning 22 April
Royal Observatory
Image of Cassiopeia A nebula, which resembles an explosion in waves of different colours
Courses | Astronomy courses

Introduction to Astronomy Online

Learn the basics of astronomy at the home of time and space in this online course
Six-week course held on Tuesday evenings starting 22 April 2025
Richard Thompson holding a model of a sailing ship
Events and festivals | Museum Lates

Cutty Sark concert: Richard Thompson

See Richard Thompson, British Folk Rock pioneer and one of Rolling Stone's top 100 greatest guitarists of all time, take to the stage in a unique venue
30 April and 1 May 2025 | 7.30pm - 9.25pm
Adults: £40 | Members: £36
Cutty Sark
Inside Royal Museums Greenwich collections centre - rows of objects including two ships figureheads
Talks and tours | Member events

Members' Saturday Super Store Tour

Members are invited behind the scenes to explore the stores at the Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre in this exclusive free tour
Saturday 10 May 2025 | 1.30pm - 2.30pm
Free for Members – booking required
Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
A child holds her mother's arm as they both peer curiously at a small crab held in front of them
Events and festivals

World Ocean Day

A family-friendly celebration of our ocean at the National Maritime Museum
Saturday 7 June 2025
National Maritime Museum
Image of the Fairport Convention, four men standing in a line and smiling at the camera
Events and festivals | Museum Lates

Cutty Sark concert: Fairport Convention

Don't miss your chance to see Fairport Convention underneath the copper hull of Cutty Sark - this will be a night not to be missed!
Sunday 26 October 2025 | 7pm - 9.10pm
Adults: £40 | Members: £36
Cutty Sark