Lectures on coast defence, 1908.

Typescript precis of the lectures on coast defence given by Major St George B. Armstrong, Royal Marines, Royal Naval War College, Portsmouth, on 21-23 January 1908. With related statistics, sketched maps of defended ports in the British Isles, France, USA, and northern Europe, also notes made by Noel.

Record Details

Item reference: NOE/51/5/7
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1885-1912; 1860 1885-1893 1891-1893 1901-1903 1902 1902-1908 1903-1907 1903-1908 1905-1908 1906-1908 1907-1908 1908 1908-1915
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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