Papers relating to dockyard construction at Chatham, 1904-1908.

Papers relating to dockyard construction at Chatham:
(1) Folded plan showing the proposed new basin and dockyard accommodation to be constructed on St Mary's Island at Chatham, drawn in 1904, with a cover letter from Colonel Edward Raban, RE, Director of Works, dated 9 May 1907.
(2) Copies of Noel’s typescript letters to the Admiralty, regarding dock accommodation for large warships such as the DREADNOUGHT and INVINCIBLE classes and the proposed new basin at Chatham, dated 3 July 1907 and 2 July 1908.

Record Details

Item reference: NOE/51/5/9
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1885-1912; 1894-1908 1860 1885-1893 1891-1893 1901-1903 1902 1902-1908 1903-1907 1903-1908 1904-1908 1905-1908 1906-1908 1907-1908 1908 1908-1915
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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