Papers on the organization of destroyers, 1907-1908.

Papers on the organization of destroyers:
(1) Copy of a printed Admiralty memorandum 'Organisation of the Destroyers in Home Waters and their Depot Ships, Submarine Depot Ships and Fixed Bases, Repair and Distilling Ships, and the Fifth Cruiser Squadron', with a cover letter addressed to Noel, dated 30 March 1907.
(2) Single typesript sheet with copies of messages sent between Noel and Captain (D), 14 to 19 August 1907.
(3) File marked ‘Sheerness-Chatham Torpedo Boat Flotilla. Confidential Orders for.’, containing copies of memoranda issued by Commander Mortimer L'Estrange Silver, received by Noel on 9 January 1908.
(4) Copy of remarks on the organizations of destroyers, submitted to the Admiralty by Commodore Lewis Bayly on the cruiser HMS TOPAZE (1903) at Chatham, dated 11 February 1908.

Record Details

Item reference: NOE/51/5/11
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1885-1912; 1894-1908 1860 1885-1893 1891-1893 1901-1903 1902 1902-1908 1903-1907 1903-1908 1905-1908 1906-1908 1907 1907-1908 1908 1908-1915
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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