Newspaper clippings covering the 1919 Baltic Campaign.

Book of newspaper clippings following the Coastal Motor Boats in the Baltic Battle. Includes a small newspaper clipping stating that Sub-Lieutenant Giddy who has first been thought to have been killed in action was actually now confirmed prisoner of the Bolsheviks - Surrey advertiser, dated 6 September 1919. Also includes aerial photograph of Bolshevik ships in Kronstadt Harbour the day before the Coastal Motor Boat raid.

Administrative / biographical background
The British Campaign in the Baltic 1918–1919 was a part of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War. The codename of the Royal Navy campaign was "Operation Red Trek". The intervention played a key role in enabling the establishment of the independent states of Estonia and Latvia but failed to secure the control of Petrograd by White Russian forces, which was one of the main goals of the campaign.

Record Details

Item reference: ADL/Z/48/12
Catalogue Section: Manuscript documents acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1916 -; 1916 - 1920 1919
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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