Legal and financial documents.

Accounts Current with Commander F. Clementson, 30 July 1824; Accounts Current with Commander F. Clementson, 28 May 1825; Bond from William to his son George, by Isaac Clementson, 1 June 1812, enclosing a bond for payment £1700 and interest, 6 May 1812, by Dixon Hoste to his son William; Accounts signed by Nick Everritt (?) 4 April 1826, with Note from Nick Everritt to Dixon Hoste, April 1816; Observations on the Title to an Estate called Hermitage Dock; Mr Lee’s account of the property of Lady Harriet Hoste, December 1828; Copy of Will of James Hoste, 1699.

Record Details

Item reference: HOS/9/2; MS1977/025
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: FILE
Date made: 1699-1826
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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