Family history and property.

Obituary, unsigned, undated; Hoste family history, Mr Crowe, addressed to Dixon; Hoste family history, unsigned, undated; Letter to Dixon Hoste from B. Baily, 17 April 1812, re. Dixon's grandfather's land and possessions (a wharf and a brewery), and their current status and location; Letter to Dixon from B. Baily, 12 March 1812; Letter from B. Baily to Dixon Hoste, 8 April 1812, relating an enquiry into the Title of his late Estates at Ingoldisthorpe; Copy of a letter, 8 May 1815. Recipient and sender unclear, mentions Colonel Keppel and renting a house; Letter from Edward Cooper, 20 April 1824, mentions Keppel and the sale of furniture.

Record Details

Item reference: HOS/9/3; MS1977/025
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: FILE
Date made: 1812-1824
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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