Songs and Poems notebook as well as details on reations and list of letters.

PLEASE NOTE this item contains scenes which may be disturbing to some readers.
A collection of loose oversize items that were in the back of SMH/2/3 including clippings in Chinese; newspaper clipping 29 Novemeber 1900 titled 'Loot - How the Europeans Despoiled Pekin'; a clipping of a newpaper titled 'Russians Repelling Boxer attack on the Barriacade' Baron Von Ralden in command of detachment' ; a clipping in Chinese and English titled 'Change of Pekin six plantation location of the defenders' and a clipping titled 'How Sir Claude MacDonald defended our Legation' this also contains handwritten notes from Frank on the back against images with the names Gowney, Webb, Private Ford and a gun named Betsy.

Record Details

Item reference: SMH/3/1; MS1984/081
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1900
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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