Small Loose items contating cuttings from newspapers and journals.

Lose items from SMH/2/3 including two letters from Colonel Halliday on 17 July 1924 and the second on 16 August 1943, on board HMS COLLINGWOOD; a clipping showing the entrance to the French legation at Peking; an account of the Seige of Peking by Lieutenant Colonel F G Poole taken from the Cadet Journal; an cutting showing one of Pekin's city gates through the wall; an article from Weekly Historical Event on the defence of the Peking Legations; a newspaper cutting of the death of Major D J Gowney and a photograph of Frank George Smith, aged 70.

Record Details

Item reference: SMH/3/2; MS1984/081
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1900
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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