Correspondence between Dobbie and his mother, 1834 and 1840.

(1) Extracts from three letters written by Dobbie while he was serving as mate on the schooner HMS PICKLE (1827) in the West Indies, copied by his mother Agatha Shedden Dobbie at Saling Hall, dated 28 May 1834. The topics include Dobbie’s role as coroner following the accidental death of a marine, which led to the court martial and dismissal of the commanding officer, Lieutenant-Commander Christopher Bagot.
(2) Letter written in crossed style, addressed to Dobbie on HMS BELLEISLE (1819) in the Mediterranean, sent via Falmouth, written by his mother at Saling Hall, dated 3 May 1840.

Record Details

Item reference: DBB/107/1
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1834-1840
Creator: Dobbie, Agatha Shedden
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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