Proceeding of a garrison Court Marshal held at Bombay.

A Court Marshal held at Bombay garrison included is the court marshal of Joseph Fitzpatrick for absenting himself from duty without leave; Thomas Wareham for absenting himself from the General Hospital without leave while drunk; George Alell and John Shallan for absenting himself from the General Hospital; William Bleu, John Faucet and Robert Andesson absenting themselves from duty without leave and found themselves on HMS ARIEL and James Davies absenting himself from the General Hospital without leave stating he was enticed away by the surgeon on HMS ARIEL.

Record Details

Item reference: COR/100/6/2; MSS/81/001
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1790-12-07; 1802-02-10 - 1802-03-18
Creator: Admiral Sir William Cornwallis
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. On loan from Miss Julia Wykeham-Martin

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