Papers on the proceeding of Court Marshals on ROYAL SOVEREIGN.

A series of Court Marshals which William Cornwallis presided over on HMS ROYAL SOVEREIGN February to March 1802. Included is the trial of James Baker, a private Marine for assaulting one of the sentinels; Thomas Brown for absenting himself from duty and was found in a state of drunkenness; John Julian an ordinary seaman for being drunk and disorderly between decks, striking the Corporal being insolent and contemptuous to Lieutenant William Hughes and Thomas Williams able seaman for absenting himself from duty for two days.

Record Details

Item reference: COR/100/6/3; MSS/81/001
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1795-11-10; 1802-02-10 - 1802-03-18
Creator: Admiral Sir William Cornwallis
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. On loan from Miss Julia Wykeham-Martin

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