Two letters from Elizabeth Southwell (nee Cornwallis).

Letters from Elizabeth (William's older sister) in Ireland thanking William for his visit and hoping that he would visit soon, that she was glad he was well, it also states that her husband (Bowen Southwell) was ill and that her nerves were very bad.

Administrative / biographical background
In July 1753, Bowen Southwell married Lady Elizabeth Cornwallis, oldest daughter of Charles Cornwallis, 1st Earl Cornwallis. He held the office of Member of Parliament for Downpatrick, Ireland between 1755 and 1760.

Record Details

Item reference: COR/100/5/5; MSS/78/006
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1791-1794
Creator: Admiral Sir William Cornwallis
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. On loan from Miss Julia Wykeham-Martin

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