Hamilton, Henry, Captain, 1892-1972

These papers largely relate to Captain Henry Hamilton's service as Captain of HMS CRICKET in China during 1927-1928, and include official, non-official and personal correspondence and other documents.

Administrative / biographical background
Captain Henry Hamilton was the younger son of Admiral Sir Frederick T. Hamilton. He entered the Navy in 1905 and served in both the First World War and Second World War. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in 1915 and to the rank of lieutenant-commander in 1923. He was mentioned in despatches for his services in action against enemy destroyers off the Belgian Coast in 1917. From 1927-1928 he was captain of HMS CRICKET in China. In 1932 he was placed on the Retired List at his own request but during the Second World War he commanded HMS SAYONARA, 1939-1941. In 1945 he reverted to the Retired List with the rank of captain.

Record Details

Item reference: HTN/301-308; MSS/72/032 MS1972/032 MSS/72/032
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: Circa 1930; circa 1926-1971
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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