Hamilton and Keppel family papers

Admiral Sir Henry Keppel papers are not extensive but includes some journals and letter books of his time at the China Station 1866 - 1869. Also included is his notes for his autobiography published in 1899 "A Sailor's Life under four Sovereigns."
Captain Henry George Hamilton papers consist of a few commissions and a copy of his signals when he was surrounded.
Sir Frederick Tower Hamilton papers consist around the period 1914 -1917 when he was second sea Lord and later Commander in Chief Roayth where he died duringwhich time he corresponded with the chied naval figures of the day. Also included is extensive letters to his wife and journals.
In the case of Louis Hamilton's papers, very little preliminary work had been done except on his letters home. As many of his later correspondents are still alive these private papers (after 1918) are not avaliable for public inspection. His official papers have been roughly arranged in chronological order. The very large collection of photographs has been examined in detail. In all cases letters written home have been listed under the name of the writer, instead of the recipient to whome they properly belong.

Administrative / biographical background
This collection, covering four members of the family, Admiral Sir Henry Keppel papers are included due to his daughters marriage into the Hamilton family. Captain Henry George Hamilton thanks to his uncle, Lord Melville, had a very successful career as a junior officer. His father was minister at Naples and his uncle at Constantinople. He gained command of HMS TWEED in 1834, but after three months he was put on half pay, having lost his political connections. Five years later, being still on half pay, he retired and went to Australia where he tried sheep farming in New South Wales. This venture lasted for four years when he returned to England and in 1856 was promoted to Captain on the retired list. Admiral Sir Frederick Hamilton (1856 - 1917) personal side of his career is illustated in his scrapbooks of newspapers cuttings and letters. Frederick Hamilton married Keppels daughter. Sir Louis Hamilton was the youngest member of the naval family saw active service in both the World Wars.

Record Details

Item reference: HTN; GB 0064
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Date made: 1822-1956
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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