Statement showing the amount of PM distributed and in the course of distribution between the 1 July 1821 to 1 July 1822

A statement showing theamount of Provisions and distributions for 1821 to 1822 and showing financial statement from 1793. Note at the bottom stating that the SYLPH sloop was lost on 17 January 1815 with only 6 people saved.

Record Details

Item reference: OLE/3/16; MSS/84/065 MS1984/065
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1800-1807; 1821-07-01-1822-07-01 1831-05-01 - 1832-06-01 1834-07-23 1834-08-20 1840-1841
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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