Correspondence mainly related to the employment of Sir John Orde.

Correspondence mainly related to Sir John Orde's employment. Orde had a hostile relationship with John Jervis, 1st Earl of St. Vincent, and so remained unemployed while he was the First Lord of the Admiralty. The papers in this folder include copies of correspondence between Orde, Lord St. Vincent and Evan Nepeam, regarding a dispute between Lord St. Vincent and Sir John Orde, and Orde's request that Lord St. Vincent be court martialled. When Lord St. Vincent left the Admiralty in 1804 Orde was given command of a squadron off Cadiz, and there are several letters to Viscount Melville from Orde while the latter was serving in the Mediterranean.There is also a letter from Orde's brother, Lord Bolton.

Record Details

Item reference: MEL/11/3; MS1976/101 MSS/76/101
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1799-10-08 – 1808-04-11
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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