Official letters and memorandum from Sir John Barrow to Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville.

Includes: a letter to Viscount Melville from John Barrow, relating details of an enemy attack on Sir John Orde’s squadron a few miles off Cadiz; a letter to Viscount Melville from John Barrow, relaying intelligence provided by the sloop BEAGLE, of the movements of French and Spanish vessels around Cadiz and Ferrol; and a letter to Viscount Melville from Mr Budge with a memorandum enclosed arguing that no ship of the line should enter the Port of Cadiz until intelligence on the movements of hostile forces at Cadiz and Ferrol is received.

Record Details

Item reference: MEL/11/6; MS1976/101 MSS/76/101
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1805-05-01 – 1805-05-02
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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