Miscellaneous official letters.

Several letters, including, among others: a letter from Pat Home to Viscount Melville, concerning the possibility of Scotland being invaded via the undefended coastline of Berwickshire; a letter to Evan Nepean from Viscount Melville, expressing his dissatisfaction at Sir Charles Grey’s decision not to go the West Indies ‘in the cause of the War’; a letter to Sir Evan Nepean from the Navy Office, on behalf of Sir Andrew Hammond who was infirm, enclosing a copy of a letter from Earl St. Vincent to the Comptroller of the Navy concerning the building of 74 gunships, with reply; a letter to Viscount Melville from John Hamilton, concerning a proposal by Charles Forbes of Bombay to build a ship for the navy, which would ultimately be taken into the service of the East India Company.

Record Details

Item reference: MEL/11/10; MS1976/101 MSS/76/101
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1782-08-08 – 1810-07-04
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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