Assorted correspondence, receipts, press cuttings and a legal declaration 1838-1851

Includes specifications and estimates for the building of lifeboats including correspondence from James Beeching (1788-1858) whose “self-righting lifeboat “became the standard model for lifeboats until the 20th century (this correspondence is enclosed in paper folder marked “Beeching”). Also comprises press cuttings concerning the sinking of THE GARLAND of King’s Lynn and the commissioning of Bury, Curtis and Kennedy, the Liverpudlian steam locomotive manufacturer, to supply parts for the construction of an iron bridge across the Neva at St Petersburg. The legal declaration is dated June 1844 from the County of Down.

Administrative / biographical background
The Bridge over the River Neva was named the Blagoveshchensky Bridge.

Record Details

Item reference: RNLI/2
Catalogue Section: Records of semi-governmental and non-governmental organisations
Level: FILE
Date made: 1838-1851
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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