Uncatalogued: Pallet, G.F., Lieutenant-Commander, 1892-1979

Diary (written retrospectively) September 1909 - March 1920 on HMS CUMBERLAND, ENDEAVOUR, FANTOME, CARYSFORT and HIGH FLYER.

Photograph album with views of foreign ports visited 1919-1929, including Madras, Bombay, Bangalore & Calcutta, Hong Kong, Macao, Manila, Borneo, Sydney and Tasmania.

Folder containing: 'One Hundred Best Views of Ceylon' c.1920, a folder of correspondence, invitations and press cuttings concerning the 'Lower Deck Reunion dinner' (1923-26), folder of Pallet's service certificates, references and correspondence, (1907- 1955), Souvernir album of the Royal Hospital School, Greenwich published by Gale & Polden Ltd, c. 1901.

Folder containing: Passport, c. 1921, 'Royal Naval Benevolent Trust, Quarterly Review' (1952), volume listing places visited (1907-1936), Photograph album (similar to the one above) and small quantity of loose papers.

Oversize folder containing references and further naval service certificates including Pallet's certificate as Warrant Writer (January 1931).

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Administrative / biographical background
George Pallet joined the Navy at the Chatham Port Division depot in May 1907 as a Boy Writer. He worked in drafting offices, and then as captain's clerk or in the ships' office. He became successively Boy Writer, Third, Second, First and then Chief Writer by 1926. He was elected to the Devonport Local Committee of the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust and in 1924 became its Chairman and a member of the central committee. In 1952 Lieutenant Commander Pallet was made Mayor of the Borough of Hornsey, London.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/79/161; MSS/79/161.0
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1909-1950; 1909-1955 1929-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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