Uncatalogued: Various naval documents, circa 1780-1848.

Various naval documents including:
(1) Letter from the Victualling Board to the Admiralty Board, dated 6 November 1805
(2) Commission to Charles Middleton as admiral of the blue, dated 1 June 1795.
(3) Abstract of accounts in arrear in the Victualling Office, dated 6 November 1805.
(4) Accounts of seamen and marines employed in each year, 1780-1790.
(5) Letter to Charles Middleton, dated 21 November, year unknown.
(6) Bill of sale of the sloop WILLIAM GEORGE, dated 9 August 1848.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/79/026; MS/79/026
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Level: ITEM
Date made: circa 1780-1848
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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