Uncatalogued: Green, Harold William, Master Mariner, Fl. 1903-1925

Papers, 1902-1915; includes journals of voyages and an account of the loss of the POWYS CASTLE, 1903, and later events.

Certificate of competency, issued 1914, MC/040035; appentice's indenture, 1902; photograph of the FAVEL and photograph of the crew of the FAVEL, with documents re: POWYS CASTLE, 1965; letter from Alan Villiers asking to have a yarn concerning the POWYS and CONWAY CASTLES, 1969 and 1970 re: returning the logs BEECHBANK and CONWAY CASTLE and recommending that Green leave them with the NMM; poems written by Harold Green, re: Cape Horners; typescript account of the 'Stirring Events in the Career of the Powys Castle' by Commander Claude L. A. Woollward, Master Mariner; typescript account of 'The End of The Powys Castle' by Harold Green.

5 volumes kept by Harold Green: Journal kept between 5 September 1914 and 29 August 1915; journal kept between 7 July 1905 and 3 December 1906; an account of the loss of the POWYS CASTLE in 1903 with sketches of the coastline; journal kept between 24 June 1910 and 28 February 1912 and a journal kept between 10 January 1907 and 6 October 1907.

Administrative / biographical background
Green was born in 1886 at Seal in Kent. He was an apprentice in the POWYS CASTLE in 1903 which was shipwrecked. Green writes a vivid account of the loss of the vessel and the plight of the distressed crew. He joined the CONWAY CASTLE as an able seaman in 1906, then proceeded to serve as second and third mate in various vessels until 1914. He became first mate of the VARETA of Glasgow set for Bombay, he then served on the SAN NAZARIO, SAN TIRSO, SAN MANUEL and SAN GERADO until 1925. He was an officer in the British India Steam Navigation Company between 1913 and 1914. He obtained his masters' certificate of competency in 1914 at London (MC/040035).

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/94/013; MSS/94/013.0
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Date made: 1902-1915; 1915-01-01 - ?
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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