Uncatalogued: Papers of Charles James Beddoe (1838-1902), master mariner and Charles W Beddoe.

Contains ship's photos of vessels C James Beddoe served on; master's certificate and testimonials.
C W Beddoe's master's certificates, sub-lieutenant's RNR commission, Belfast's pilot certificate, certificate of birth.
Charles W Beddoe's continuous certificate of discharge (2 items); Charles James Beddoe's service record.
Contains a book of sea poems.
Journal of a voyage in the DOLPHIN, 1869-1870.
Journal kept by William Ford, EMILY, 1844, contains watercolours.

Administrative / biographical background
Beddoe was a mate in 1872, master in 1873 and served on the ships MANHATTAN, MINNESOTA, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, WYOMING, CITY OF YORK, COLARADO, CITY OF ANTWERP, IDAHO, WISCOUSIN.

Record Details

Item reference: MSS/94/014; MSS/94/014.0
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1844-1902
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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