Donaldson, John, Engineer, 1841-1899.

These papers cover most of Donaldsons education and working life, ranging from school work, his university exercise books and exam papers, to government reports and surveys from his time in India, and finally to extensive letters, reports, etc, covering the period with Thornycroft.

Administrative / biographical background
John Donaldson was born in Aberdeen, later studying Engineering at Glasgow University. It was here that he met fellow pupil John Isaac Thornycroft, who became a lifelong friend. After graduating, Donaldson worked in Calcutta [Kolkata] for the Department of Public Works. It was whilst in India that he married John Thornycroft's sister, Frances. Returning to England in 1873 due to Frances' ill health, Donaldson joined Thornycroft as a partner in his boatyard at Chiswick. It was here that Donaldson's skill as an engineer came into its own, designing and working on various craft, especially fast torpedo boats, for which the company became famous. John Donaldson lived and worked in Chiswick until his relatively early death in 1899, aged 58.

Record Details

Item reference: DON; MS1986/085 GB 0064
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Extent: 11 boxes
Date made: 1855-1899
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London