Papers dated 10 Aug-5 Oct 1910 relating to HMS BLANCHE including general orders for acceptance trials, programmes for steam trials and magazine cooling trials, letter of proceedings for contractors' trials and a newspaper cutting. Also a list of officers in HMS EURYALUS for steam trials (undated).

Papers dated 10 Aug-5 Oct 1910 relating to HMS BLANCHE including general orders for acceptance trials, programmes for steam trials and magazine cooling trials, letter of proceedings for contractors' trials and a newspaper cutting. Also a list of officers in HMS EURYALUS for steam trials (undated).

Record Details

Item reference: DAN/187
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1910-08-10-1910-10-05
Creator: Dannreuther, Tristan
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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