Papers relating to HMS MARS 1912 -1914 including personnel lists, operational orders, navy signals, press clippings and schedules for daily routines; including war routine.

Papers relating to HMS MARS 1912 -1914 including personnel lists, operational orders, navy signals, press clippings and schedules for daily routines (including war routine). These papers also include: a booklet headed " List of secret and confidential books issued to ships and regulations concerning them" dated 1 Dec 1913; a copy of the Admiralty Weekly War Order No. 334 dated 8 September 1914 relating to the issue of protective clothing in war; notes, lists and correspondence between HMS MARS and the Commander in Chief in Devenport; operational Order relating to the recognition of enemy lights from 1914; a letter dated 5 August 1914 to the Admiral of Patrols on HMS VICTORIOUS from HMS MARS relating to minesweeping; and papers entitled "Scheme of routine for boys" (undated) and Orders for corporals of the gangway"

Record Details

Item reference: DAN/192; MS77/094
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1912-01-01-1914-12-31
Creator: Dannreuther, Tristan
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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