Boatswain and Compass naval store accounts forms January 1895 - March 1906. Lists of, and receipts relating to, various ships books for the period 1901 - 1907 in relation to HMS BACHANTE, HMS ABOUKIR, HMS LEANDER and HMS LEVIATHAN.

Boatswain and Compass naval store accounts forms January 1895 - March 1906. Lists of, and receipts relating to, various ships books for the period 1901 - 1907 in relation to HMS BACHANTE, HMS ABOUKIR, HMS LEANDER and HMS LEVIATHAN. Accounts of receipts and expenditure on compasses from June 1897 - Dec 1907 relating to HMS ADRIADRE, HMS HOOD; HMS LEVIATHAN; HMS BACHANTE and HMS ROXBURGH.

Record Details

Item reference: DAN/218; MS77/094
Catalogue Section: Personal collections
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1895-01-01-1907-12-31
Creator: Dannreuther, Tristan
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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